12 Multi million companies you didn’t know are owned by DP William Ruto

Deputy President William Ruto refused to declare his net worth during an interview on BBC’s Hard…

DP Ruto Does Away With the “Chief Priest of Corruption” Tag in the Best Way Possible

DP William Ruto’s meteoric rise in the Kenyan Political and Billionaires scene has time and again elicited…

Ruto reveals why he never let Weston go despite knowing the truth

Deputy President William Ruto has now, for the first time, acknowledged that the land that his…

William Ruto Refuses to Declare his wealth on BBC Hard Talk

‘Why don’t you do your homework?’ That was the answer that Deputy President William Ruto gave…

DP Ruto’s Life’s Survival Tactics Hit the International Map

  Politics they say is a game of survival. You either this side or the other…

DP Ruto ally gets up in arms in Defense of the over-attacked Ruto

The Deputy President William Ruto has been on the receiving end for quite sometime now. Most…

The true story on Weston Hotel haunted DP Ruto has admitted crime over

Recently in one of Ruto’s hardest conversations to maintain, an issue of a controversial land implicating…

Ruto the Doctor Turned Journalist: Ruto Turns Tables on International Journo

Is there a politician as cunning, hardworking and sort of creative as DP William Ruto? Ruto…

DP Ruto Directs International Media to Google After It Crosses the Line

William Ruto, a man who is loved and hated politically in equal measure is a man…

Pressed Ruto blames corruption on politics

The political audience has truly been served a good one after one of the most intriguing…

Ruto opens up the ‘servers’ to finding out how much Billions he owns

The Deputy President William Ruto has come open about where the public can access the source…

Ruto reveals how he “illegally” acquired Weston Hotel Land

After NLC’s establishment that Weston Hotel land was illegally acquired, many wished that Deputy President William…

Ruto reveals suspects in IPSOS list of Most corrupt including Uhuru and Raila

Speaking on BBC HARDtalk show hosted by Stephen Sackur, the Deputy President,  Wlliam Ruto addressed claims…

DP Ruto Finally Reveals why he is the most corrupt Kenyan

You cannot speak about corruption in Kenya without mentioning the name of William Ruto. The Deputy…

Mudavadi told to forget 2022 election if he does not have Ksh 200 billion

When over a dozen members of the county assemblies from Kakamega and Vihiga recently visited Deputy…

Heavy burden Ruto is trying to save taxpayers from that is causing him enemies

A section of NASA legislatures are high in arms to prosecute DP Ruto over his ‘anti-referendum’…

Security scare? Why Statehouse ordered DP Ruto to fly back into the country

Dp Ruto’s meeting was not cut short as a result to security concern. A planned meeting…

The important truth Ruto is exposing for blind Kenyans to see

A section of NASA legislatures are high in arms to prosecute DP Ruto over his ‘anti-referendum’…

Leave alone Murathe, here is a new Coast-based political party formed to frustrate Ruto

Will Deputy President William Ruto really survive in 2022? A new Coast-based political party has been…

Ruto under attack from Nasa for trying to rescue taxpayers

DP Ruto has come under heavy scrutiny from a section of Nasa legislators over his ‘anti-referendum’ talk…

No more tanga tanga team! DP Ruto suffers another major blow

When it rains it pours! Perhaps Deputy President William Ruto understands the meaning of this statement…

Mt. Kenya Clique Hatch New Plan to Cut Ruto’s Wings and Exalt Uhuru

Who is hindering President Uhuru’s Kenyatta’s from achieving his much hyped Big 4 Agenda? Well, the…

Brown Envelop Journalism? Why the Name Ruto Makes Newspaper Editors Go Gaga

What is a headline without William Ruto? This is the question a colleague once asked me…

Amollo, Mbadi answer Ruto in referendum politics

Opposition legislators on Sunday criticised Deputy President William Ruto over his ‘anti-referendum’ remarks at Chatham House…

Forget ‘Murathe drama’: Why Tanga tanga strategy is a thorn in the flesh for Uhuru

The 2018/19 Budget Policy Statement, the Supplementary Budget and a number of government bills that are…

How ‘tanga tanga team’ will shoot down Uhuru’s crucial bill

Deputy President William Ruto has in the past said the government will not allow presentation of…

Parliament resume :Crucial bills DP Ruto’s no-nonsense ’s allies might shoot down

Members of the country’s legislature will resume sittings on Tuesday after a two-month Christmas break that has…

Here is why DP Ruto’s staff hasn’t received their monthly allowances for 5 months

If you have been keen, you would have noticed Deputy President William Ruto’s trips reduction across the…

Murathe has liberty to say as he wishes, DP Ruto

Deputy President has been facing a lot of backlash from some of his Jubilee allies  with…

Dr. Ruto Now Puts Merit-less David Murathe Under the Bridge

For sometime now, former Jubilee Vice Chair David Murathe has been leading an Anti-Ruto wave with…