Inside Prophet Owuor’s Deserted Village Home & Family Graves

Image result for prophet owuor
Prophet David Owuor//Photo Courtesy

Mention the name Prophet David Owuor and what immediately comes in the mind of many people is a man with powers apparently given to him by the man up above. Owuor has a huge following not just in Kenya but in different parts of the world. This is a man who is loved by many but at the same time hated by many.

His Life has been branded controversial by many people. From his long beard, Elegant suits and heavy security, Prophet Owuor paints the picture of a man who eats and breathes power.

It is however worth noting that the self proclaimed Mightiest Prophet of the Lord might not be a saint as many people think.

According to a local publication, Prophet Owuor abandoned his parents in both life and death. He never attended his Parents burial ceremonies despite numerous calls made to him by his family.


Prophet Owuor’s father, Helekiah Owuor died on 22nd March 2006. Owuor’s family reached out to him to grace his father’s burial but he gave all of them a deaf ear. Even efforts to reach the mighty Prophet of the Lord through his right hand man Dr. Onjoro bore no fruits.

At the time of his father’s death, Prophet Owuor had last been seen at their home in November 2004. He was at that time holding a crusade in Homa Bay.

When asked why he could not attend his father’s burial, Owuor stated that he was totally separated from things of the world and as such, attending the burial would ‘defile’ his holy ministry.

Helekiah Owuor gravesite
Helekiah Owuor, Prophet Owuor’s Father Gravesite//Photo CourtesyProphet Owuor would later on reveal during an interview with the Standard that he abandoned his parents after joining the Lord’s ministry since God instructed him to do so.

“God disconnected me, not only from my family but the past so that I can be committed to Him and the ministry,” he said.

Owuor would later lose his mother to the cruel hands of death on August 6, 2005. He was again a  no show at his mum’s funeral.

Margaret Achieng Owuor gravesite
Margaret Achieng’s gravesite. Prophet Owuor never attended her burial//Photo CourtesyCould Prophet Owuor have been exercising the commands of the books of Matthew and Luke?
In the gospels of Matthew and Luke 9:60 when one of Jesus’s disciples asks if he can go bury his father. Jesus tells the disciple that he must not do this. He should let the dead bury the dead and the disciple should continue to perform his spiritual duties.But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead. –Matthew 8:22
Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.” –Luke 9:60Whatever the case, many people still believe that Prophet Owuor should have been there to offer his last respects to his Parents.

Prophet Owuor's village home in Goma
Prophet Owuor’s village home in Goma//Photo CourtesyPROPHET OWUOR’S HUMBLE BEGINNINGS

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