How to effectively kill a boner on the spot

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Everyone with a D  knows that random erections come with the territory. Hell, we D-havers even pitch tents in our sleep (three to five times per night to be exact). While there are several suggested methods for combating these spontaneous and oftentimes inconvenient salutes (tucking them into your waistband, taking a cold shower, thinking about your grandma, etc.),  flexing a muscle any muscle!  seems to be one of the most effective.

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You don’t have to wait it out. A man can get rid of an erection by flexing a large muscle for about 30 seconds or more, like both thighs. If you’re sitting, rest your feet on your toes and push off the ground as if you’re just about to stand up.  This method works by sucking the blood from your boner which is basically just a sponge that fills up with blood redirecting it to whichever muscle is being flexed.

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I was still at least somewhat unconvinced, so I speed walked to the nearest restroom (the location of which will remain nameless) and thought about sexy things( ladies from the office) until my guy was standing tall.

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I then proceeded to almost instinctively flex my right bicep and began counting, holding back laughter as I caught a glimpse of myself, my boner and my not-so-strong bicep.

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“One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi…”To my amazement, my boner began wilting within seconds, and it was completely and utterly flaccid by nine Mississippi. I literally watched my dong go from Excalibur to a soggy hot dog before I could even count to 10.

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