Tricks That Every Foodie Must Have Used

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We are not saying that this is a guide to becoming the best foodie in the world. All we are saying is that you should have some tricks to spice up a simple meal because being foodie is not just about taking nice food photos and posting them on IG but there are some skills that come about it.

If you don’t have, here are some that you could borrow.

1.    Blend Your Blender To Clean It

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There’s a simple trick to cleaning your blender without having to stick your entire hand and risk getting snips. Just add soapy water and put it on the mortar then switch it on. Leave it for 30 seconds then rinse it out. Before you know it, your blender will be squeaky clean and your hands will be safe.

2.    Test Your Egg’s Freshness With Water

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Eggs are one of those foods that are quite hard to tell if they’re fresh or not. Therefore, you need a few kitchen tips to help. If you remember your primary school science experiment, then you’re probably familiar with this test. Generally, fresh eggs sinking water while rotten eggs float.

3.    Heat Stainless Steel Pans Correctly

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In case you’re wondering why your food always sticks to the pan, it’s because you’re not heating the pan the right way. The longer food sits over the heat, it loses moisture hence sticks. Additionally, stainless steel pans tend to be heavier than other pans hence require more time to heat up. Place it over heat for around 1 minute then test how hot it is using some water.

4.    Use Lemon Juice To Get Rid Of Onion And Garlic Smells

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You’ve been cooking up a delicious meal in the kitchen and now, your hands smell like onions and garlic. Washing it ten times won’t make much of a difference. Grab a lemon instead, slice it and rub it all over your hands. This will instantly get rid of that unpleasant smell and give you a fresh, citrusy scent.

5.    Make Burnt Rice With A Piece Of Bread

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Sometimes, we get distracted and end up burning the food. Can you imagine starting all over again? it’s a kitchen nightmare but you don’t have to worry because these kitchen tips are here to rescue you. Salvage your burnt rice by placing a slice of white bread on top of the rice and leave for 5 to 10 minutes. This will draw out the burnt flavour.

6.    Invest In Some Tongs

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Spatulas are good and all but tongs will save you a whole lot of hassle. For things like pancakes and eggs, a spatula is still the preferred tool to use. However, for meats, tongs do a better job. They’re less awkward and prevent splashing since you can place your food down gently as opposed to using a spatula.

7.    Always Make A Shopping List

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Write down your weekly grocery list to make your work easier while shopping. Making a shopping list will help you buy what’s necessary and plan your meals accordingly. This will also help you budget and stick to it.

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