Are you Kind? 5 Traits that prove you actually are

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At its heart, kindness is a benevolence towards the world. It is the ability to feel troubled when others are troubled; it is the desire to see happiness in faces other than our own.

Kindness has a profound effect on both giver and recipient. It spreads, because it reminds us all of our better natures. It is an agent of change that requires no change management.

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Every set of numbers, every work of art, every scientific breakthrough is amplified when it is seasoned with kindness.  This country is made up of all kinds of people, the corrupt ones, the greedy, mean and sorts of vices. 

On the other hand, there are those who are willing to help others in any possible ways, they are more than ready to share with the rest, these are the kind ones. Are you kind? Are your close friend’s kind people? It is not hard to tell when one is kind, or he/s is just faking it.

It is possible for some people to fake their kindness, especially when they are eyeing something from you. The following are some ways to tell someone is kind:

1. Never judge others

Human beings are judgmental by nature, we judge others from what we see, but a kind person respects differences in other people thus not judging them based on what they got that you don’t have.

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2. Good listeners

Kind people listen much than they talk, they would like to get different perspectives of a story without unnecessary interjections that lead to wrong judgments. Unkind people will only pretend to be listening but inside their thoughts will be well-confirmed conclusions.

3. Don’t do it for show

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They basically deliver to people who need their services without letting the whole world know what they did.

4. Everyone is good before their eyes

These kind people see good in each and every person they meet, they know all humans are equal to each other.

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5. They are forgiving

They are quick to forgive and forget, they don’t keep grudges to the next generation.  

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We all have it, but it atrophies when we don’t use it. It wilts when we become cynical and selfish. Be whatever you are. Be clever, be strong, be elegant, be playful, be contemplative, be confident, be odd.

But be kind as well. There is an opportunity to be kind right now, right there in your life. Take it.

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