Vital Areas to Pay Attention to During Your Body Wash

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Beyond personal hygiene or the weather, there are many factors contribute to your unique body odour. Some people have stronger body odours than others and no two people have an identical body odour.

Like your genetic makeup or your fingerprint, your body odour is 100% unique to you. For believers, we all know our bodies are the temples of our creator.

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All the same even for non-believers too, it is only okay if we all took good care of our body. Without it, we wouldn’t even be here right?

Ever had that moment where you wonder if you smell, well, not so great? It happens. But you can do a few things to make body odour go away.

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Cleaning your body from Monday to Monday should be part of your daily routine since it is associated with numerous health benefits. It is a way of preventing your body from emitting bad odours and also from becoming sick.

 Here are the body parts that you should clean more often.


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Some of us forget to scrub our feet when taking a shower which is wrong. The feet can also harbour some dangerous bacteria that are associated with dangerous infections like calluses and athlete’s foot. 

After washing your feet, it will be a good idea if your dab lotions on your feet to make them lithe.


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You are likely to have dandruff if you don’t clean your scalp often. All dust particles, smoke from vehicles usually get into the hair and remain on the scalp. This, in turn, causes some scalp-related infections such as impetigo and ringworms.

Wash your scalp on a regular basis to avoid contracting such infections. 

The tongue

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Some people wonder why they have bad breath despite flossing their teeth on a daily basis. Well, the reason behind your bad breath is that you don’t clean your tongue at all.

Clean your tongue when brushing your teeth to avoid bad breath. You can do this using your toothbrush or a tongue scraper.


Smelly armpits may make you self-conscious, even though this is a problem most people have dealt with before. Sweat itself doesn’t have a smell. Body odour is actually the fault of the bacteria that live in sweaty areas of your body.

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Bacteria thrive in moist environments, like your armpits. When you sweat, the bacteria break down certain proteins in the sweat into acids. So, it’s not the bacteria that stink. It’s the by-product of the bacteria breaking down the sweat.

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