Dear Women,Gossip is good for you,actually very good!

Gossiping is mostly associated with women, women find it more fun and enjoyable to discuss other people over a cup of coffee or bottle of wine.

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Research has shown that women have an evolutionary need to gossip, its is their best way to voice their concerns.

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Gossip has many benefits, these are the most interesting things by women are told through gossip.

gossip reduces boredom:hearing interesting things from your friend makes life more fun.

Build Relationships: Gossip will help you figure your peer relationships, through gossip  you get to know more about your friends, you will learn who will talk behind your back and who will keep your secrets.

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Trust:Through gossiping you get to learn and know who is trustworthy and who is not.

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Researchers have proved that gossiping increases the level of oxytocin  which is commonly known as the love hormone, its is most released during and after lungula and also when a mum is having a bonding session with her baby.

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This hormone release helps in bonding and makes people feel closer and closer to each other , gossip among women also helps in stress reduction due the fact that it helps in the release of cortisol, the stress hormone.Here is a video showing why gossiping is important:

In real sense,Gossiping is a vital  and basic part of human life and interaction especially women. Lets embrace positive  and healthy gossip.

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