Why ‘hungry’ team mafisi is in war with the church

types of team mafisi

The Church is vehemently opposed to the idea of lowering the age of sexual consent from 18 to 16 raising a divided opinion and excited emotions from a section of Nairobi’s most dreaded type of men popularly known as Team Mafisi.

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How is there an actual discussion about reducing the age of sexual consent to 16yrs when we can’t even bring ourselves to candidly teach kids about sex to begin with? This is not okay.— Scheaffer Okore (@scheafferoo) March 27, 2019

It’s already way below that. But it need not get official blessing.— Omar Bond (@AstronautKE) March 28, 2019

On the one hand, three appellate judges have called for a candid national discussion on this sensitive and important matter.

The Children’s Act, 2001, defines a child as anyone under the age of 18 years, and entitles children to protection from all forms of violence and abuse.

A mother of four including two boys aged 15 and 11, says the age of consent should be changed from 18 to 21, not lowered. “Lowering it takes us many years back when girls were married off immediately they experienced their first menstruation.

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Team Mafisi believe that everyone is a ‘fisi’ in their own way.

According to Jaymo ule msee “Every young Kenyan behaves like a ‘fisi’ inorder to survive. They have to wait for the bigger man to hunt and then they eat what has been left….

types of team mafisi

Health experts say that educating the young on sex is better that merely lowering the consent age because it empowers them to make informed decisions.

Should the idea of lowering the age of sexual consent from 18 to 16 be implemented or it a danger to the girls?

16years is not bad #SexualConsent coz,majority born nowdays are exposed to sex at a young stage #technology #Brekko— Haron Mathare mashimoni (@AndayiHaron) March 29, 2019

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