Kiss Those Muffin-Tops Good Bye

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They are refered to as Muffin Tops, or more commonly ‘Love Handles’. This refer to the fats that sit on the lower part of the waist which in most cases tend to hang over the top of someone’s pants.

People strive hard to get rid of these fats, but unfortunately, it’s not an easy task.

To get rid of love handles a.k.a muffin tops, here are some things that one can do in order to get positive results.

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  1. Fill up on fibre

Eating meals that are rich in soluble fibre can help a lot.

This is because fibres slow down digestion hence make one feel full for longer periods of time. You will thus end up losing weight because this means you consume fewer calories in a day.

Foods rich in fibres include vegetables, beans, oats, and nuts.

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2. Exercise

Engaging in exercise such as running helps a lot when it comes to burning of calories.

This way, one will be able to lose the body fats and end up reducing the love handles.

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3.Getting enough sleep

Did you know that not having enough sleep may result in weight gain?

When one gains body weight, automatically the fats in the body also increase.

One should, therefore, get enough sleep in order to get rid of fats in the body. This will in turn result in the reduction of love handles.

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