The Skin Lightening frenzy that is ailing our young Generation

Image result for bleaching skin

Most victims are people who do not feel good enough and this has something to do with their upbringing. This is the ongoing discussion on what prompts individuals to undergo skin lightening procedures or as it is known bleaching.

” I would starve myself to achieve the perfect body of a model.” Is what Muthoni Kinyua stated on why she is pushing her body to the limit.”
I bleached my skin to look perfect for the modeling and film industry,
at some point, I looked so pale but I couldn’t stop bleaching my skin” she went on saying. But cosmetologist Quincy Evans Mwega says there are natural products that can lighten the skin safely and there is no need to use products which may end up damaging your skin and causing irreversible effects where you may end up looking even worse than what you wanted to be.

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But where do we draw the line , can one just be comfortable in their own skin , embrace their flaws instead of this unending search for this perceived beauty standards where sadly some of the people we look up to are posing to be the ideal beauty.

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