Video: Deep ,passionate kiss from a pastor that heals instantly

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In most African Churches what attracts most people to go to a church is the ability of the person leading the summon to perform miracles. This attracts massive church followers.

But have you ever asked yourself how they manage to perform those miracles?

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Just a few days ago a video emerged online of Pastor James Ng’a ng’a of Neno Evangelism center driving demons away from a renown gospel musician from Tanzania Rose Muhando. The video attracted a lot of criticisms from most of the people online. Some termed it as a faked and staged action.

Most have done some crazy things in the name of performing miracles. They have realized that most Africans believe in miracles.

Just a few days ago their was an online platform launches where each person could see the amount of money one is required to pay in order to sanctified.

The pastors from leaving most lucrative lifestyles to performing miracles have raised their status quo in the society.

Faking of miracles has been a driving force for them to remain relevant. The so called Might prophet of the Lord was put on spot for faking a miracle.

But from direct phone calls to heaven , now someone has to give in a lot to receive a healing.  A video was emerged online for pastor passionately kissing his believers ladies especially for the name healing them from their numerous tribulations.

Do you think these  gospel ministers are  misusing Africans?

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