5 Ways to Burn Belly Fat & Get a smoother stomach

If you’ve often faced a situation where you’re struggling to button up your pants, you need to ask yourself ‘how to lose belly fat fast?’. Because while regular exercises and a healthy diet will eventually help you lose weight, that stubborn belly is the hardest to get rid of.

1. What are the causes of belly fat?

If you’ve been asking yourself how to lose weight and haven’t witnessed effective results despite all your efforts, it’s because bloating isn’t under your control. Of course, a major part of what you consume determines how much belly fat your body comprises, but other factors such as your emotional state, medical conditions or even your hormones could play a huge role in weight loss.

2. Chew your food properly and chew slowly

The problem when you gulp your food too quickly is that you don’t realize you’re gulping large amounts of air along with it too. The excess air gets trapped in your digestive system and ultimately leads to bloating. If you ensure to chew each morsel of your food slowly and eat at a steady pace, it will not only help you lose belly fat faster but also aid in weight loss. This also applies to consuming liquids.

3. Skip sugar altogether

Exercise will surely help you lose weight and shed fat but if you really want to know how to lose belly fat, you should know that 80 per cent of burning stubborn belly flab is by eating a healthy diet. Ensure to reduce your calorie intake and make your meals rich in protein. Completely avoid consuming sweets or sugary foods since they are loaded with calories.

4. Limit your carb intake

Several studies have shown that carbs stick to the water molecules in your body resulting in weight gain and bloating. If you want to lose weight and lose belly fat fast, limit your carbohydrate intake except the ones from vegetables which are a good source of nutrients. Vegetables and fruits should comprise a large part of your healthy diet because the carb source from them will help you reduce belly fat considerably.

5. Avoid gas-producing vegetables

Gassy veggies such as beans, onions and cabbage cause bloating and will make it difficult for you to lose weight and your body to fight belly fat. Veggies that are less fibrous such as green beans, eggplant, carrot and tomatoes are best to be consumed if you want to know how to lose belly fat fast.

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