Unspoken Car Etiquette Every Kenyan Driver Wants You to Know!

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Imagine someone comes to your place of work and starts issuing you with directives on how to do your job? It sucks right? That is how a driver feels when you start telling them how to operate their cars.

It is good to stick to your lane which is purely seating, shutting up and using the vehicle windows. It is important that eery passenger knew etiquette that would create a favourable evironment. Below are ways to be a good passenger:

  • Always offer the front seat to someone who is “more important”.


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“More important” individuals include the driver’s parents, significant other, or boss. You are also expected to offer the front seat to someone who is more senior than you.

  • Adults in front. Kids at the back.

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If you are travelling with young children, they should always be seated at the back. This is for safety of everyone on-board.

  • If you are a passenger, do not touch the car’s controls without the driver’s permission.

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This is the number one pet peeve of many drivers. Do not mess around with the car’s console without permission. That’s like going to a dance club and putting on your own music.

  • Know when to Speak

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You are there telling the driver to over-lap as you complain how late you are for work. Or you are telling them to use the wrong side of the road in order they avoid traffic. Hey please, just shut up and open your mouth when you reach your destination.

  • Watch your tongue

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You have just been issued with a ride and you are there engaging the driver with talks on various topics. Kindly avoid that because you might end up speaking what irritates the driver and end up spoiling the day for others.

  • Avoid Making useless, incessant phone calls

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Please note that you’re in another person’s space. Only make and receive important phone calls. If you see an ex calling or a colleague who had scheduled a gossip phone call, kindly avoid it. Imagine the environment if everyone makes a phone call in a personal car?

  • Don’t use demeaning words to describe the vehicle you’re in

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Let’s assume you have received an important phone call. Please don’t say you are in a jalopy. Or in a “kapersonal”. Or in a tiny car. Your benefactor spent what they deem to be a fortune. Please be nice.

  • Say thank you.

If you thank the driver, they will always remember where they picked you last time and will want to check whether you are there so that they give you another ride.

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