Heartbreak Blows: How going through a breakup can be good for you

Are you going through a breakup? They say that breakups are a right of passage.

Heartbreaks can be painful especially when you are growing up.

The effects of the rejection and withdrawal that comes after are so great that it can send your body into a tailspin.

Getting your heart broken isn’t something you should be looking forward to, but it is a necessity.


It’s too easy to brush off heartbreak as commonplace, only to inevitably find yourself deeply wounded and scarred.

But all the bad that is heartbreak isn’t pointless. There’s a reason you’re feeling so horrible.

It does get better, and it can get better. But only if you choose to make it better.

You might not see the benefits of heartbreak, but if you are heartbroken, then you need to become aware of them as soon as possible.

There are benefits of having your heart ripped out of your chest cavity. Here are 5 of them:

1. The experience makes you become a stronger person

Heartbreak introduces you to the pain and sadness that defines love. It isn’t pleasant, but it is necessary.

After the breakup, you get time for self-reflection.

People view love to be only accounted for the good, the great and the fantastic, but never the less-than-fun, the difficult and the uncertain.

Even some adults still imagine love to be the perfect road.

Heartache is the feeling that fills the void formerly known as love.

The deeper the love, the deeper the hole and the more heartache needed to fill it.


The longer you feel deep in love, the more negative you become. Your thoughts drift further and further away from positivity, and eventually, you can’t even imagine yourself feeling truly happy, excited or whole again.

The longer you sulk, the deeper you dig that hole until you eventually hit rock bottom.

Having your heart broken isn’t something you can just shake off — not if the love was real. That’s why so many people’s lives seem to fall apart after they lose the one they loved.

The good news is, once you hit rock bottom, that’s when you really get to see what you’re made of.

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3. It helps rebuild a relationship with yourself

Finding the love of your life makes everything feel right. It makes you feel as if the universe was somehow corroborating in your favour. When things are going right in our life, when our wants and needs are met without direct intervention, we feel like the world is the way it should be.

But when our relationship begins to fall apart, we not only question our love, but we also question the concept of love. You were so certain you found the one. Maybe there’s no such thing as true love?

Maybe there is no purpose to anything. Maybe we’re just all accidents who believe they’re doing meaningful work, when in reality life is nothing but one big triviality.



The truth is that words fail to fully express what it means to have your heart broken. And not just because of the way that it makes you feel, but by the challenges, it puts in front of you.

You feel lost and confused, barely knowing which way is up and which is down. The way you think the world worked has proven to be wrong. You’re feeling sluggish and depressed.

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You stop enjoying the things you used to enjoy, and you’ve stopped wanting the things you used to want. Then you either lose control of your life or simply let go of it.

It’s often difficult to tell which is which, but one day you realize you’re going 100 Km/H and no one is steering the car.

They’re challenges you will need to overcome, and once you do overcome them, you’ll be stronger than ever.


The biggest mistake people make in a relationship is based on the biggest misconception we have on love. Love is a joining of two people, two lives, two souls.

However, it’s more like the holding of hands than it is a full fusion.

Sure, your lives will mesh together on many levels, but when we get down to it, you’re both still independent individuals. You are (and always will be) your own person.

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People run into relationships in order to run away from themselves. They aren’t happy with the people they are or with the way their lives are playing out.

The problem is you never stop being you, just as he or she never stops being him or herself.

Having your heart broken reminds you that nothing is forever, and that in the end, you can only fully rely on yourself.




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