LADIES! Check out tips on how to be Comfortable in Style during that Time of the Month

ways to dress on your period

Girls have mostly two moods when it comes to fashion; Either we look homeless, or we strut our stuff….and I mean STRUT it.

But when auntie flo comes to visit during that dreaded time of the month, we just want to be in over sized clothes right? We get moody and emotional so our outfits just have to give us some sort of good mood. These options below will guide you on how to dress up when you get on your periods. We got you covered.

Check Out These Stylish Ways On How To Dress When Aunty Flo Visits:
1. The Casual Way.

Don’t we agree that you just want to slap on some jeans, a top a long sweater and some ngomas (sneakers)? Well just check out how Sharon Mundia dressed up.

ways to dress on your period
2. Feel Free Style.

Now at this time you may not want to have any fitting clothes on. But that does not mean you walk around in super over sized outfits. Just get a pair of loose fitting pants and a simple tee plus sandals.

ways to dress on your period
3. All Black Style.

We can hear all you ladies agreeing to this outfit! Most of us just want to have black on because we fear stains and all those other embarrassing so it’s a pretty safe outfit to have on.

ways to dress on your period

What other ways do you ladies dress when on your periods? Share with us below.

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