How Well do you know your Cat as its owner

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Understanding animal behavior is so interesting, don’t you think? You do not share the same language but yet try to decode what the actions of each other meant. You may find this may be the reason why most men may not prefer to keep pets since if we cannot understand our women’s language what about when it comes to cats. When it comes to cats, they sometimes behave in such mysterious ways that it becomes difficult for humans to understand.

When cats butt their head to your leg or nudge you, you may think that they are asking for pets or affection. But that’s not true. They are actually marking you with their scent. Since cats have limited scent glands around their body, i.e. their feet, face, and bum. So when cats knead, scratch or nudge, they’re actually marking you with their glands.

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This usually happens when your cat is sitting at the window or looking outside the window. And when they spot a bird outside, they start chattering. We might think that this could be an expression of frustration by the cat that it cannot reach the birds, but that isn’t the case. A popular theory says that cats chatter to imitate the chirping of the birds in order to bring them closer. Another study said that it could mean the cats are just very excited about seeing birds.

Playmates GIF - Cat Bird Strange GIFs

Cats love sitting in tiny boxes or containers. And while it might look uncomfortable to us or that they could get stuck in the small box, that’s not how they feel about it. As per research, cats actually feel safe and secure in such containers.

Crazy Cat GIF - CrazyCat GIFs

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