How To Help Your Bestie Get Over A Break-Up

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How one handles a break up highly depends on the individual as well as the support system. Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on especially that time the heart is wounded.

A simple sorry will never do, what people need is a listening ear, someone to pass the tissue, someone to tell them that they will be okay.

If you have tried all this but it’s just not working, you know sometimes ladies can be a little overbearing and dramatic, this is what you can do

1.Remind her that she has to kiss a few frogs before she gets her prince charming

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We have a clear example of Meghan Markle, she got divorced and was hurt but in the end she got her Prince charming, literally.

2. Be her psychiatrist or recommend one for her.

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She will need to pour out all her thoughts but will feel a bit insecure from being judged or misunderstood. Offer a non-judging ear; it doesn’t matter if you comment or advise as much as it matters that she finds someone who is willing to listen and not get bored of the stories she might repeat over and over.

If you think it’s too hard not to confront her with some truths, or her mental health is starting to affect her life deeply, don’t hesitate to suggest to her getting a professional helping hand.

3. Remind her of old faces or introduce her to new ones.

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Being in a relationship always takes a great portion of our time and effort. We probably forget to keep in touch with old friends, and we rarely get to know new people, apart from the ex’s and our own circle of friends.

If your best friend’s old friends remind her of her ex, try and take her out for some new faces to refresh her mood and recall the fact that there are a lot people out there. But, if she had old companions that she didn’t pay attention to or keep in touch with because of her boyfriend/fiance/etc, convince her to meet with them again and catch up.

This will remind her of the good old days and of how she was able to be happy before the appearance of that specific person in her life.

4. Show her the world.

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This doesn’t necessarily mean you should book her the next flight to Paris or Rome. However, if you could do so, don’t hesitate! Advise her to travel solo at least once in her life, offer to join her if she’s afraid to do it.

If travelling is not an option, then do silly stuff together, take her on a sushi date and film her while she tries it for the first time! Engage her in sleepovers and night-outs, or even ask for her help in your own personal problems so that she could focus on other stuff and forget about her own struggles.

5. Let her recall her achievements and help her achieve more.

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Remind her of the things she achieved, even if you think they were trivial. These achievements don’t have to be work-related. You may tell her how important she is to you and to everyone around her.

Shed some light on the things you love about her, share some old memories of you together. The break-up phase tends to weaken one’s self-confidence, that’s why it’s so crucial to magnify things that boost her self-esteem in that period.

6. Recall her talents, hobbies & passions.

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Bring up how amazing she was, singing in school, or show her a painting she did 10 years ago. Encourage her to get back to the hobbies she’d been forgetting about.

7. A Make-over does wonders.

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It’s important to start from the inside, however, a new look won’t harm! On the contrary, changing a haircut or dip-dying your hair definitely contributes to mood-changing. We can never deny that change comes from within, but looks also count for making one’s soul show and shine.

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