How Cell Phone Causes A Lot of Harm to Modern Marriages

If you thought that sexual infidelity is the only cause of divorce or breakups, then you were wrong. According to recent studies, cell phone is unbelievably one of the main causes of divorce in modern world.

What did we ever do before we had that handy little thing known as a phone? In the old days, before we had these neat little devices, we were forced to communicate with one another by speaking or writing on paper.

In today’s technology-centered society, we seem to have forgotten how to exist without a screen and a ding to tell us when to wake up, when to go somewhere and now these handheld gadgets can tell us when to drink water.

We revolve around our phones, our laptops, and tablets. Since the introduction of cell phones, our society has become as addicted to them as an addict is addicted to a substance.

Otherwise healthy relationships are destroyed, families are ripped apart, and we have lost our sense of self through the overuse of phones and like technology.

When the phone is the centre of attention

Where once relationships involved actual verbal and physical communication between the couple, now it is the practice to devote our time to scrolling, clicking and swiping.

This practice has desensitized us to the needs of our partners to the point we become two people, living in the same structure but revolving in orbit of one another rather than being an active participant in a relationship.

This disconnect is not always recognized when at first it is created, but when one party is in need and the other is unavailable and unaware. By putting our addiction to the phone ahead of the needs of our partner it is causing harm to our partner and thus the relationship.

Getting to know you……

Image result for phone chatting

Traditionally, the period of dating involved active one on one participation with the ones involved.

There was a series of processes that were to be followed before partners were brought to live together. As a result, the bond grew stronger and it was very hard for partners to even think of separation.

Nowadays, dates have become a thing of the past. It is now the norm to meet a potential partner through a service or social media and spend some time exchanging texts and calls before a “meet cute” or worse, “Netflix and chill.”

Image result for couples meeting through phone

During these interactions, however, little time is spent in any activity that allows for real communication between two people. One or both will be on the phone, communicating with others or simply scrolling through social media.

This is as a result of our reliance on the impersonal communication we participate in via texting and commenting

Instant gratification

Today’s divorce in many marriages are caused by partners not looking for a quick and appropriate solution. Instead, partners are quick at looking for other partners.

Social media has made it easier to find any person anytime. Couples feel the excitement of finding new lovers rather than looking for a quick solution.

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