3 Crucial Mistakes you do that affect your Child Emotionally

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Parenting is a very hard task, especially to new parents. But there are those parents who have stayed in the marriage for more than five years and they can make some deadly mistakes. These mistakes can there after affect the child emotionally. 

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Here are some of the mistakes that most parents do that can affect their children emotionally;

Fighting with your partner

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Families can have conflicts that lead to a fight. If at all you must engage in a fight, never should you do it in the presence of your children. It can affect your child emotionally when you fight from time to time.

Being irresponsible in marital conflicts

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Having marital conflicts is common and any healthy couple has to undergo it, but it needs to be solved and fixed once and for all. Solving this needs one to be responsible and careful. This is so because if not solved well, it can make the children suffer.

Being abusive constantly

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There are those parents who are always abusive to their children and even their partners. Being abusive physically is the biggest mistake you can do in front of your children.

Constant abuse can also lead to emotional torture to your child which can lead to academic failure of the child.

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