Are you Confused S3xually?

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It is still a topic that demands more discussion and understanding but things are slowly but surely starting to look up. When it comes to human sexuality, we as a society have certainly come a long way, in terms of being able to finally recognize and accept that there is more than just the heterosexual type of love.

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Now, when it comes to people and their own recognition of their sexuality, it is still such a mystery and a thrill finding oneself and realizing that there is no such thing as being just ‘one’ thing.

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We as human beings are still too misinformed about all the types of sexualities and what exactly they all represent. It is completely understandable that one person does not want to be labeled as just this or that, because the spectrum of possibilities is so wide and it is unfair to limit yourself and our search for our true identity.

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Greysexuality is one of those very common but not enough talked about types of sexualities. It is a term that describes the type of person who is not as sexually open or eager as others and finds being sexually aroused a challenge that they are not particularly interested in.

It is not that these people can’t have sex or have any problem performing, it is the mere fact that they don’t find it as exciting or necessary as most people do.

Are You Greysexual? Here Is Everything You Need To Know!

Sex is not high on their priority list and they could very well go without it for large periods of time, feeling perfectly fine without it. But it would be wrong to oversimplify greysexuality, as there are many more layers to it. It is much more than just not wanting sex, so I’ll try and break it down so everybody has a full grasp on this once and for all.

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If you have ever been confused by your sexuality and felt like you didn’t really fit in anywhere, know that you’re not alone. There are millions of people out there who are dealing with the exact same problem.

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The only thing is that nobody talks about it in public as it is overly stigmatized, so people are scared of being judged for simply being themselves. Your sexuality is your God-given right and no matter what anybody says, it is okay to be who you are.

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