5 Clear Signs that He is not Interested in you

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When it comes to men, deal with them as they are, not how you’d like them to be. No one wants to spend their valuable time talking to someone who they just aren’t interested in.

Besides that, it could also unfairly offer the person false hope. Notice if you’re the one that always initiates the texts and if he’s the one always ending the conversation.

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There’s no need to waste time with people who are really not into you, unless of course, the friendzone is your kinda happy place.  Now, let’s talk about texting habits.

How do you know that someone is not that into you via a text? Deep down, you know it, you can feel it, come on, don’t lie. Still, you hope that you’re wrong.

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 It’s important to mention that some people are definitely busy and do not have time to text all the time and prefer calls or actual link ups, but, it’s also important to remember that if a man wants you, he will pursue you! No excuses! That being said, here are texting signs that he’s not interested in you.

1. He never has any concrete plans.

Even if he texts you, it’s just the cliché ‘Hey what’s up, how are you?’ Kinda boring texts, or his asking you to go over to his place for you know what. He will not ask to take you out and whether or not you’ve eaten and the likes.

2. He only texts you when he’s drunk or at his convenience.

Well, that should tell you where you stand, and what he’s after.

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3. Slow texting.

You send a message and get a reply 48 hours later, yet, the nigga is online or active on social media platforms. That only tells you that you’re not really a priority.

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4. You’re always the one texting him.

You message him all the time. You take initiative to start conversations, ask how his day was, how his evening is, send good morning messages and what not, but he’s not reciprocating. You’re always texting more than he is. Sis, that’s a clear sign that the guy is clearly not interested.

5. The conversation feels one-sided.

It’s one-sided because only one of you is interested. Do yourself a favor and move on.

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