Senior Nyanza Politician Thanks Ruto For Showing Luos the speck in their eye


Deputy President William Ruto’s latest remarks that have been alleged were directed to the Luo community continue to draw mixed reactions among Kenyans and political leaders at large.

Ruto has said that his sentiments were blown out of context but even at that, a number of Kenyans have not shyed away from giving their views on the same.

Leaders from the Luo Nation have attacked DP William Ruto for spewing hate against the Luo Nation with MPs like Babu Owino promising to teach him a lesson come 2022.

As most leaders from Nyanza are seemingly angry with Ruto, some have apparently seen sense in whatever he said in the now viral video.

Image result for Neto Agostinho ndhiwa

Former Ndhiwa MP Neto Agostinho has defended Deputy President William Ruto over his remarks why he hates Luo Community, that they are destructive – “watu wa kubomoa bomoa”.

During the weekend, DP Ruto was caught condemning ‘Raila’ and the ‘Luo’ community after a plan by President Uhuru Kenyatta to extend SGR to Kisumu and Busia border.

DP Ruto has been sidelined in many projects since 2018 after Raila joined the government through the famous Handshake.

Below is Augustino’s Message to Luo’s


“It is Easter Monday, the Lord has arisen! Those who lay Easter eggs, some have hatched, maybe mine hatched too?

My sister Millie Mabona for whom I have a lot of tremendous respect, who I look up to, not just in politics, in the legal profession, as a legislator and as a sibling since we literally grew up together in Homabay town, together with my good friend Lee Makwiny have drawn me into a debate regarding statements I made in Baringo South on Saturday.

They have in return posted Hon Ruto’s Video, which they allege refers to luo’s in derogatory terms and spews hate.

First, for the record and in case it is important, I was born a luo and am luo.

My Paternal grandfather, Ligawa Chieng Opendo son of Ojuando was luo. My maternal grandfather Awino Jela wuod Oduo was luo, so suffice it to say, am LUO! But my socialization, my schooling and travels have made me Kenyan, so amongst other things I married out of the Luo tribe, and my social as well as professional cycles is a melange of the citizens of Kenya.

God has been gracious to me, I have travelled and worked across the world, so I have made friends across the globe, who I owe a duty of responsibility with each and every move I make, as they have allowed me into their spaces to make me what I am. So, I would not for a second make cursory idle statements that are ill-informed and not intentioned!

Second, On the Hon Ruto Video, he says in an apparent reference to the Luo, that they are ‘watu wa kubomoa’(they are destructive). If we are not destroying houses, I want to imagine he was referring to coalitions or political parties, then we are removing rails. An honest luo would know that all the above is true.

Follow the Luo anywhere, to a political function, to a concert, to a football match and you appreciate it this way, and by the way, it is not just Hon Ruto who thinks of us this way, many Kenyans do. We either make it our brand if it is a good brand to sell, but if we seem ashamed of it, like it is almost showing, then we choose a better brand.

So I would thank DP Ruto, for showing the Luos the speck in their eye.”

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