Shocking! How Chantelle Petit and new moms are endangering lives of newborns

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Social media isn’t ready to give Chantelle Petit a break after all the pain she’s endured so far. Netizens have taken it upon themselves to give unsolicited parenting tips but for the most part, they might actually be right in their imposition this time!

The beautiful mother of one finally revealed her baby’s adorable face making many women’s ovaries cry out for one. It is however not the photo that incited other mother’s to come to her rescue, but the pacifier her baby was sucking on in the video.

isabellanattycatenattyPlease stop giving her the pacifier..1st its not good for her Jaws 2nd very son almost chocked in it when he was 3months…kalivomit kakashidwa kuitema so i found him shaking tumiguu…mwachishwe or give it to her when u r near

ceceliakamaI second you,she is giving her pacifier because she dont know,how dangerous it is,this gadget affect the growth of the teeth and also affects the baby hearings …not safe at all.

Image result for baby pacifier sucking

Like any new mom, no research is ever extensive enough and it is always good to learn new things in the parenting journey.

Anything that goes into a baby’s mouth is controversial these days, and while many find it easy to take sides in the breast vs. bottle debate, it’s harder to weigh out all the pros and cons in deciding whether to give the baby a pacifier.

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It’s one of the hardest habits to break and can require a great deal of persuasion: Parents often struggle with weaning their child off of a pacifier.

There is much debate regarding the use of pacifiers, but there is evidence to show that there are both pros and cons.

Pacifier use is not necessarily harmful. Some of the dangers are well known, like the possibility that the baby could have issues with his teeth and that weaning a baby from a pacifier is a nightmare.

But the truth is that there are even more hidden dangers than many moms and dads can even imagine. There have been reports of babies getting sick, cut or even burned because of their pacifier, and recalls have proven that there is a risk of choking.

A parent or caregiver should review the positive and negative effects of using a pacifier before deciding whether to use one with their child.

Choosing not to use a pacifier may be difficult as many outside influences may try to persuade you to change your mind. Consider the effects carefully and adhere to those which you feel the strongest.


Image result for baby hate breast

Babies are born with a very strong sucking reflex. Some babies may have sucked their thumb or fingers in the womb. The act of sucking can sooth a baby.

The pacifier can provide a baby with short-term satisfaction while a caregiver is preparing a bottle, changing a diaper or completing any other task that leads the infant to cry. The Mayo Clinic also points out that a pacifier can be a temporary distraction between feedings or during vaccinations.

It should not be the first method of soothing an infant. Instead, caregivers should try other methods like rocking or feeding first.

Sleep Aid

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A pacifier may assist a baby in falling asleep. The Mayo Clinic indicates that it can help an infant settle down when he is struggling to sleep. The Mayo Clinic also point out that sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) risks can be reduced with the use of the pacifier.

On the other side of this, is the development of a dependence on the pacifier to sleep, leading the infant to wake often if the pacifier falls out.


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A child may develop a habit of sucking a thumb or fingers but the pacifier can be disposed of when the time has come to discontinue the tool. The Mayo Clinic explains that the pacifier can be an easier habit to break than getting a child to stop sucking her hands or fingers.

Although the pacifier is less habit-forming than the fingers, it can collect bacteria, deteriorate and become lost. The Mayo Clinic suggests cleaning often and having a back-up that is identical.

Feeding Habits

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The use of a pacifier early in life can interfere with breastfeeding. The breast is different than the pacifier or bottle. The Breastfeeding website warns that an infant given the pacifier before proper sucking or latching to the breast has been established may develop feeding troubles.

This can make breastfeeding painful for the mother or unsatisfactory for the infant. The American Academy of Pediatrics reports that waiting until the baby is a month old can reduce the feeding interference.

Ear Infection

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The rate of middle ear infection can increase with the use of a pacifier. The rate of infection is generally lowest during the first six months, which is when the pacifier can most impact the SIDS risks.

Dental Problems

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Prolonged use of the pacifier can cause long-term dental problems. The Mayo Clinic explains that this does not apply to the first few years of life. Later stages of development can cause a child’s teeth to slant outward.

Tips and recommendations:

  • Pacifier use should be restricted to the time when the infant is falling asleep.
  • Pacifiers can cause severe lacerations if the shield is held inside the lips.
  • Look for a pacifier with ventilation holes in the shield, as they permit air passage. This is important if the pacifier accidentally becomes lodged in your child’s throat.
  • In order to prevent strangulation, do not place a cord around your child’s neck to hold a pacifier. Look for pacifiers that have a ring.
  • A symmetrical nipple permits the pacifier to remain in the correct sucking position.
  • Dispose of the pacifier after use; it is not sanitary to keep it or give it away.

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