Ruto demonstrates that Your dreams are valid. Here’s how to make yours come true

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History is not changed by wishes, discussions or self-pity but by people that dare to believe. Dreams are real and yours is not different. And dreams can be achieved even by you.

The only validation that really matters is the one that comes from within!

While Kenya’s Deputy President William Ruto is a controversial man sorrounded with corruption scandals and acussations, his testimony is one of true magnificence.

Ruto opened up opened up on his long road to being the power house he is.
He revealed back when no one would have believed Ruto would one day be the second most powerful man in Kenya, all he wanted and desired growing up, was to drive a train. To be a captain or pilot of a locomotive.

This dream was born, fueled and inspired by his surroundings. At the time, his hustle was to sell chicken by the railway-line.

According to Ruto, back then – between 1978 and 1980 – he did not believe he would be a person of note in society.

“Just so you know God has as a sense of humour, back then, I never thought I would be anyone. I mean, all I thought and hoped to be was a driver of a train.”

“That was the best I had in mind for myself. Where I was selling chicken was close to a railway track. I used to see the trains pass by and I would tell myself, ‘One day in the future I will drive this engine!’.”

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Your dream can and will change history too if you can pursue it. If you do not choose to live by a dream, you will simply glide through life wondering and wandering.

There is no middle ground. You will either live by the thrill of a dream or the promise of job security, the prospects of a promotion or the assurance of personal conquests.

Following your dream may not have an assurance of return but it sure has an assurance of satisfaction and fulfilment. There is no life that is so gratifying than one where a person decides to take a risk and pursue what they believe.

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For what is faith for if it cannot be followed by works? What is belief for if it cannot be accompanied by actions? You have to make a choice today not just to be a photographer in the dreams of others but to be the founder in your own. You either live life by design or by default. A ‘designer’ life is only a preserve of dreamers!

Every day countless of people unleash their dreams and succeed head first. It is no myth.

No matter what your dream is, you can accomplish it. You don’t have to watch as another year goes by with you being no closer to your goal than you were the last year. You can move from where you are to where you want to go.

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To get there you must strip down your goals! Strip down all the fluff that covers up the true goal you are after. By peeling back all the layers surrounding your objective, you can clearly evaluate what it is you really want. The more specific you can be about what your dream really is, the easier it will be to chart the path to getting there.

 Look fear in the eyes. Whenever you decide to go after something you want, fear often shows up.

It’s easy to understand why since you’re moving beyond what’s familiar. You’re moving beyond your comfort zone. As such, it is normal to experience some resistance, and resistance often shows its ugly head in the form of fear.

But don’t let fear get the best of you. Don’t let it paralyze you. Don’t let it keep you in a state of dreaming about your dreams instead of living your dreams.

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Until you are totally committed to making your dream come true, there will numerous things that will pop up to deter you. And if you aren’t really committed, then those distractions will succeed. To ensure you are unwavering in your quest to moving forward toward your goal, you need to burn your boats.

You’re probably not the first person to work towards achieving your particular dream. As such, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Immerse yourself with great ideas and techniques that others have shown to work.

Search out people who have been successful at what you are trying to accomplish, then study them. Watch what they do, don’t do, and identify best practices you can apply. There’s lots to learn, but it will be worth it once you realize how much this step will help you reach your dream.

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As you spend time studying others who have been successful at what you’re trying to do, you’ll also get a healthy dose of inspiration to fuel you along your journey. You can then use all that knowledge to help you with the next step.

Clarity, commitment, inspiration, and know how will serve you well in reaching your dreams. But they have to be combined with a real plan to actually move you along the path to making your dream come true.

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