How he manages father-mother role stuns Kenyans

Mzansi applauds single father for raising quadruplets after wife died

The story of a brave man left Kenyans speechless when it surfaced on social media.

Carlos Morales inspired the giant social media, Twitter users though it all started in 2015 when he and his wife, Erica, were excited to start a family.

The couple were expecting quadruplets and Erica’s pregnancy was going well – she even documented the babies’ health statuses after each doctor’s appointment on her Facebook page.

However, The Hearty Soul reported the woman tragically passed away during childbirth, leaving him the single father of four premature babies. Morales could only take his quads home after two months in the hospital and he had to raise them by himself.

Luckily, his story touched the hearts of many, even celebs such as Steve Harvey, and he has thus far done a great job raising his four kids.

His story resurfaced on Twitter earlier this month and it gave social media users the feels.

Many applauded the father for having the courage to raise his four kids without the help of their mother.

There were social media users who asked, “Who else would raise his kids?”, but others pointed out it’s not easy raising even one child when both parents are present. Morales is alone and four kids are much more work and money.

However, there are some who criticised the recognition of Carlos:

Would a single mum get the same attention….I can almost guarantee there’s a mom out there same amount of babies. Not to be woke or anything— Kholofelo Hope (@kholomokolo) April 6, 2019

There’s nothing to applaud here, he’s doing what he was gonna do even if the mother was still alive.— 🇿🇦 TooMuchSauce👌🏻 (@candylux752) April 6, 2019

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