Giving gifts and money- Must it breed compliance in relationships?

giving gifts

You will hear people say that money can’t buy love.

Dating nowadays has become tricky as you never know exactly what the other partner thinks of the favours they offer.

Imagine pursuing a woman for your life-time but not offering any financial aid. She will absolutely lose attraction for you.

Men do feel that they believe they must chase women, prove themselves and convince women to be in a relationship with them; ultimately acting generously.

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Imagine you took a girl out on a wonderful date to an expensive restaurant, paid for her meal, presented her a wonderful gift of this new pearl necklace you’d bought her, and then took her back to your house and tried to get her in bed for the first time. Would you expect her to go along with it?

If she’s a gold digger, she may well.

This is exactly the kind of exchange she’s looking to set up: you give her expensive experiences and pricey material goods, and you get to have sex with her and tote her around on your arm.

To her, it’s a fair trade. Your stuff for her person.

Or if she’s not a gold digger, but she is really into you, she’ll appreciate the experience and will sleep with you.

giving gifts

But she would’ve done that anyway if you’d taken her on a nighttime walk through the park and ate mturaa worth Ksh.100 and then gone back to your place, too.

For any other kind of girl though, you will face more resistance to sex than you would have with a simpler date.

That’s because the fact that you did so much for her in advance makes her feel like you now feel she owes you something.

She may feel pressure to reciprocate. Yet, this pressure makes her resist.

Her identity is now at stake – is she going to let you make her view herself as someone who can be bought? If she sleeps with you, it’s going to be harder for her to tell herself she doesn’t have a price.

She may still do it if she likes you enough, but it’s going to be a rationalization battle, and there’s an easy way out for her if she’s on the fence and leaning toward ‘no’: “He tried to buy me, and I’m not like that.”

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