How To Not Care When People Dislike You

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There comes a time in life where some people just won’t like your company….and that’s okay.

As a matter of fact, science has proven that not all of us can get along because of the various backgrounds that we come from.

Nevertheless, if you try too hard to please others, you might find yourself wallowing in depression as others get on enjoying their lives!

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With that in mind, here are some legit hacks to ignore people showing you any form of hate or dislike:

It’s Okay To Feel The Pain

Humans are social creatures, and so we experience painful biological responses to rejection.

“Historically it was essential for our survival,” Brotheridge explains. “When we were evolving and living in tribes, being rejected and kicked out of the community would have been a matter of life or death.”

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When we get rejected, our brains register an emotional chemical response so strong, it can physically hurt.

And how do we respond? We try to please the other person by being friendly, socializing with them, and attempting to get their attention.

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The ideal thing is to accept the pain, understand that it is part of the healing process, and focus on other important factors in your life.

Understand That It Is Not Your Fault

This type of rejection is literally personal, and it’s easy to start questioning your self-worth when someone makes it clear they don’t like you.

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But we all act out of our own insecurities and unique experiences, and for the most part, being disliked is a measure of mutual compatibility.

So, it’s not really that it’s not you but them, so much as it’s both you and them.

This person, this situation, where they are in their life, it’s not compatible with where you are right now and its alright for you to accept this.

Nevertheless, Be Cautious Of Your Own Bad Behaviour 

While you shouldn’t always blame yourself if someone doesn’t like you, if you’re finding this is a pattern, you may want to take an unbiased look at your own behavior.

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One way to find out what’s going on is to ask for feedback as to why you’re disliked.

Then, if someone tells you, say, you’re annoying, or overly braggy, or self-obsessed, you can take a step back and analyze whether there’s some validity to the criticism.

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Ultimately you have to know who you are well enough to say, okay, that information sounds pretty valid, I do tend to do that, I can see why that might not be attractive to other people, so I’m going to work on changing it.

Verdolin says. “You might be being given important information that you should take a look at seriously, and evaluate to see if there’s truth to it.”

Remember That Making New Friends Is No Walk In The Park

Changing your social circle can be isolating; it’s when you’re most likely to feel disliked or suffer from social anxiety.

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So in the event that you are faced with starting a new job or making a big move, start by slowly getting a sense of the new environment that you are entering.

At a new job, for instance, it might be worth suggesting going to lunch with folks one-on-one, to find the group’s friendliest entry point.

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Some people are very welcoming and some people are not so friendly.

Spend Time With People Who Actually Like You

Even if you find yourself on the outs with some folks, chances are, you’ve at least got a few people you can rely on when you’re feeling low.

Spending time with people that care about you can boost your self-esteem and help you to feel more secure

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Besides acting as a balm to your wounded ego, focusing your energies on relationships with people who appreciate you will, in the larger picture, be a much more fulfilling use of your time and social energy.

Last But Not Least, Tell The Haters To Suck It!

If everything else fails, you can tell those that dislike you to suck it…at least in your head.

You don’t need to go around antagonizing people, but if someone doesn’t like you and the feeling is mutual, you don’t necessarily have to go out of your way to appease them, either.


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