Do you park your car Carelessly? These notes are for you!

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There are two types of drivers in the world those that understand that things won’t always go their way, and those that are likely to freak out over the most minor of inconveniences.

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While the more relaxed driver might murmur under their breath at someone’s horrid parking job, they’re likely to forget about it and go about their day. On the other hand, the second kind of driver might be more inclined to leave a passive-aggressive note on someone’s windshield.

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Now, take a look at some of the hilarious notes that people have left on cars and pray you don’t get one yourself.

That’ll Send a Message

Nothing will let you know that someone is mad at you more than them telling you not to reproduce. They think that you’re so low that they want your genetic line to end completely. Now that’s saying something.

Image result for hilarious parking notes left on cars in kenya

While most people might just fill a scrap of paper with obscenities, this person kept it short, sweet, and very effective. The real question is who keeps condoms on hand even in a parking lot? Maybe just in case they need to leave a note.

Printed and Everything

It looks like this annoyed driver keeps these notes on hand in case they run into any inconsiderate drivers. Either bad park jobs are their biggest pet peeve or it’s become a major inconvenience in their life.

By the looks of it, it probably doesn’t take much to get one of these pre-printed notes on your windshield. However, at least the note isn’t too insulting, we know that not everybody would omit curse words from a note like this person.

Nothing will let you know that someone is mad at you more than them telling you not to reproduce. They think that you’re so low that they want your genetic line to end completely. Now that’s saying something.

Oh Jack, No

Hitting someone’s car and not leaving your information is way worse than someone that takes up two parking spots, or even ten for that matter. It’s your duty as a driver to own up for your mistakes and suffer the consequences.

While everyone thought that Jack was doing the wrong thing, he was really just covering for himself. Seeing this on your windshield would ruin anyone’s best days. Jack will get what he deserves soon enough.

Getting Political

It’s all fun and games until somebody brings politics into the argument. This person must have really been angry at this driver’s parking spot. Not only did they accuse them of being “slow,” but they even assumed the political party that they might support.

What would have made this note even funnier is if the person that parked the car was actually a democrat. We also aren’t sure if that note is supposed to be in all capital letters to make a point or if that’s just how they write.

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While most people might just fill a scrap of paper with obscenities, this person kept it short, sweet, and very effective. The real question is who keeps condoms on hand even in a parking lot? Maybe just in case they need to leave a note.

We’re All People Here

Sometimes, all you need is a non-threatening note in order to get your point across. The person that wrote this note just thought they’d let this driver know that they were seriously inconvenienced by their park job.

We’re going to assume that this note was written somewhere outside of the United States. This is so, since most people in America would most likely have replaced the word “bloody” with a much more vulgar word.

Meet Spot

This person must have parked their car extremely poorly and left it for a long time. At least long enough for someone to type this letter up and even add a picture.

It’s probably good that they do this because the note would be a lot less effective if the dog was a really poorly drawn dog. You must know how bad you messed up if somebody put in the effort to go onto their computer and print something out.

Even Grumpy Cat Is Mad At You

This person decided to put their artistic skills to use in order to let this person know how mad they are. While they might think that they really got their point across, this note might make most people crack a smile for its originality, and who doesn’t like Grumpy Cat?

If I found this on my windshield I might even end up framing it and putting in on the wall because it’s just that funny.

Always Be Prepared

Once again, it looks like there’s another person that carries around parking notes like business cards. Chances are, they have a variety of different cards for a number of different situations. Nobody is this prepared to get annoyed at people.

That being said, we appreciate the time and effort that went into this note with the different fonts and colors being used. All we know is that we would never want to get on this person’s bad side.

An Afternoon Snack

Although we can’t fully decipher what the second note says, it’s safe to say that the one written in peanut butter definitely sends a message. We wonder what this person did in order to deserve two separate notes and also how they drove their car with all of that peanut butter blocking their view.

The people that came up with this diabolical idea might have wanted to think it through because the car is probably going to be there longer now that the driver has to clean it off before they can drive.

Save It For The Track

Apparently, this person’s neighbour likes to rev their engine early in the morning, waking up the entire morning in the process. We’re not sure if they’re trying to be cool or if they think that it will warm up their engine or interior of the car.

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What we are sure of is that the whole neighborhood is not happy with this person, and for good reason. At the end of the day, it looks like the people that wrote this note just want to keep them in the racing game.

That Smiley Face Though

If there was an award for the most passive-aggressive individual on the planet it would very, very likely be the writer of this note. If you’re trying to up the level of pettiness in your life, listen up.

The writer starts their argument with a fact the owner of the vehicle parked in his or her parking spot. All is fine and dandy until the writer segues into the light threat that they’ve recorded the driver’s license plate. Then things take a turn for the worse as they detail what is in store if this happens again (hint: lots and lots of Vaseline). Signing off with a smiley face is the cherry on top of the passive-aggressive cake.

Drawing The Line

This person’s park job is truly amazing. They must have been intoxicated or something because it’s unbelievable that someone really cares this little. The car is literally straddling two parking spots so they’re not just inconveniencing one but two people.

Luckily, it looks like someone had some chalk on hand a decided to draw a little diagram from the driver. Now, the next time this driver needs to park, they have their own personal spot just for them.

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