REVEALED: How 40% of Women Fake S3xual Orgasms To Please Their Men!

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We live in a world where people are comfortable with the fact that a woman can sometimes leave a s3xual encounter in tears!

Indeed, women have been used for all manner of raunchy activities by men to the point that they feel valueless and merely objects of s3xual desire!

Which begs the question; have you ever treated a woman in such a perverse manner that demoralized her identity?

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Have you ever whistled incessantly at a woman passing by because you noticed her ‘assets?’

Let’s face it, there is a problem and we need to address it!

The origin of the problem is not that we, as a culture, don’t sufficiently acknowledge a man’s biological identity.

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It is that it is the only biological reality that we ever bother to consider, especially in the African culture.

For example, let’s take a look at the male and female bodies.

While analyzing these bodies, let’s make our main subject of discussion s3x.

And while focusing on s3x, let’s really consider the input of our women this time round.

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Because if we’re going to talk about the obscenities of male pleasure, we have to talk about its rather unpleasant counterpart, female pain!

As a matter of fact, a recent study showed that 30 percent of women experience some form of pain during vaginal s3x.

And a shocking 72 percent of women experience pain during anal s3x!

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Interestingly, out of these staggering numbers, less than a quarter of these women tell their lovers that the sex is hurting them.

And the problem is this:

‘bad s3x’ to a man is different from ‘bad s3x’ to a woman.

For a man, the term ‘bad s3x’ refers to a passive partner or someone who gave them a boring experience!

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While for women, when they discuss about ‘bad s3x’ they tend to talk about coercion, emotional discomfort, or more commonly, physical pain.

Long story short, good s3x to men means that they had an orgasm while good sex to women means comfortable, painless s3x!

When a woman says “I’m uncomfortable” and leaves a s3xual encounter in tears, it’s not that she’s being a fragile flower with no tolerance for discomfort.

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Unfortunately, it’s because painful s3x is pretty common!

Which begs the question: If s3x is so uncomfortable for a majority of women, why don’t they stop?

Why is this happening? Why are women enduring excruciating pain to make sure men have orgasms?

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Because we live in a culture that sees female pain as normal and male pleasure as a right.

Women are constantly and specifically trained to endure bodily discomfort.

Especially if they want to be seen as s3xually attractive.” Have you looked at how women are “supposed” to present themselves as sexually attractive? High heels? Short Skirts? Makeup?

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These are things designed to wrench bodies. Men can be appealing in comfy clothes.

They walk in shoes that don’t shorten their Achilles’ tendons. They don’t need to get the hair ripped off their genitals or take needles to the face to be seen as attractive!

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Women are supposed to perform comfort and pleasure in the most impossible conditions.

Next time you see a woman breezily laughing in a complicated and revealing gown that requires her not to eat or drink for hours, know

a) that you are witnessing the work of an illusionist and…

b) you have taken for granted an Oscar-worthy performance as a mere routine! 

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