Minister loses case against 7-year-old

A seven-year-old Ugandan rapper has won round one of a legal battle pitting him against a minister.

Ms Kinyingi gave Fresh Kid a green light to continue honing his rap skill, but after classes, during weekends and during school holidays.

He was however barred from performing in bars and for commercial purposes.

Image result for fresh kid and Florence Nakiwala

The ministry explained that keeping Fresh Kid in bars violates his rights as a child and that he risks being harmed and learning strange behaviours.

Those present at the meeting included Fresh Kid, his parents, managers, and Ms Kiyingi.

“We told them about the Children’s Act, 2018, which talks about the right to survival, nutrition and good health, protection from any form of violence, the right to development and the right to go to school,” she said.

Image result for museveni rapping

The minister has also assigned a social worker to work with Fresh Kid’s manager and parents to ensure that his rights as a child are not violated.

This compromise is a significant climbdown from Ms Kiyingi’s earlier sentiments last week in which she warmed Fresh Kid to shelve his showbiz ambition and instead concentrate on studies

Was the minister right by her initial decision to kill the boy’s dream?

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