17 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Those Stubborn Acne Scars And Get A Glowing Skin

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Acne is that one monster that all of us are constantly dealing with. The monster also leaves behind some stubborn scars and that’s pretty frustrating. But the good news is, you can always make them go away . Keep a check on your skin care regime and a healthy diet and keep those pesky pimples at bay. 

Also, you can check out these remedies for fighting a battle against those tough scars. 

1. Sandalwood paste

1. Sandalwood paste

Sandalwood and rosewater paste is another remedy that can be utilised as a facial mask and can be directly applied to the scarred area. Leave the paste on for more than an hour (leave it overnight if you can). After that wash of the mask completely using cold water. This is proven to be an effective method to  treat acne blemish.

2. Tomato slices

2. Tomato slices

Rubbing tomato slices on scars is found to be effective in reducing the appearance of the marks or scars. This is partially due to the Vitamin A and carotenes in tomatoes, which not only provide the red color but also serve as antioxidant compounds that can heal damaged tissues and promote the healthy re-growth of cells.

3. Orange peel powder

3. Orange peel powder

Orange peel powder has amazing lightening properties that can help in reducing the appearance of acne scars and pigmentation. All you need to do is mix a tablespoon of orange peel powder with a tablespoon of honey and put it on your face till it tries. Do this for a while and watch your scars vanish. 

4. Coconut oil

4. Coconut oil

Coconut oil has a wide range of benefits when it comes to your skin. It is packed with antioxidants and Vitamins E and K that repair your skin and promote the growth of healthy skin tissues. You can use coconut oil as a face serum and apply it all over your face every night before bed and wake up with glowing skin.  

5. Potato slices

5. Potato slices

Potatoes are widely used to lighten the skin and reduce the appearance of scars and pigmentation. These benefits can be credited to their composition and alkalinity. You can either slice the potatoes and rub them directly on the affected areas or grind them and apply the paste with a cotton swab. 

6. Gramflour and rose water

6. Gramflour and rose water

Gram flour, commonly known as besan in the Indian households is a common way to get rid of acne and its scars. Its strong exfoliating and lightening properties help in reducing the appearance of acne scars. Mix it with rose water, apply it on your face, let it dry and rinse it off with lukewarm water. You Might Also Like

7. Oatmeal scrub

7. Oatmeal scrub

Today, having oats at home is quite easy as people have become very health cautious and mostly have oatmeal in their lunch, breakfast or dinner. You need to have oatmeal amounting to 1/4th cup. Add 2 tablespoon of honey in it and mix it well. Now, you need to apply this pack over your face where pimples and scar marks are visible. It is also important to keep it for a period of 15 -20 minutes and then wash it away. It will be better to use luke warm water to remove the face pack as it will clean the pack in a better way.

8.  Aloevera gel

8.  Aloevera gel

Aloe vera plants are well known for their magical proficiency to help mend scars and cuts. Aloe vera juice is widely used in healing acne scars as well as fight breakouts. Apply aloe vera juice regularly on the affected area will help you in toning the skin colour.

9. Lemon juice

9. Lemon juice

Apply lemon juice on your acne scars with a cotton pad. Leave it on the affected area for a while, let your skin absorb the lemon juice, and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Lemon juice acts as a natural bleach in improving the appearance of dark acne scars and blemishes by lightening them.

10. Baking soda

10. Baking soda

Apart from its usage in baking yummy cakes, baking soda also has amazing exfoliation properties which help in reducing the appearance of acne scars. mix two tablespoons of baking soda with one tablespoon of water and exfoliate and leave it on for 20 minutes and wash it off. Following this regularly can help reduce scars to a greater extent. 

11. Turmeric powder 

11. Turmeric powder 

Turmeric is another great way to lighten your acne scars and skin tone. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of turmeric speed up the healing of the scarred tissues and improve skin quality. Mix turmeric powder with some lemon juice and apply it to affected areas and then rinse it with water. Do it every alternate day to see the results. 

12. Olive oil

12. Olive oil

Olive oil is truly a miracle substance that helps in nourishing your skin. Regular application of Olive oil not just helps in decreasing acne scars but also helps from future breakouts. Massage the oil on affected parts of your skin every day. It has moisturising properties that soften the texture of your skin and reduce the prominence of your acne scars.

13. Green tea

13. Green tea

Green tea, apart from being extremely healthy, has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce the redness and inflammation that is often caused by acne. When you have a sudden acne attack, pour some green tea over a cotton pad and dab it on your skin. Also, you could infuse it with rose water and use it as an everyday toner to keep acne at bay. 

14. Apple-cider vinegar

14. Apple-cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar possesses antimicrobial properties that help in keeping acne at bay. It also has properties that reduce the inflammation and reddening of your acne scars and help in fading them. Mix it with honey and apply it on your face every other day, for a nourished skin. 

15. Multani mitti 

15. Multani mitti 

Multani mitti also known as fuller’s earth is highly beneficial for oily and acne-prone skin. Its lime content is known to kill harmful bacteria and remove excess oil and dirt, thus leaving the skin clean and soft. It offers a cooling effect to the skin and relieves the inflammation caused due to severe acne. Mix it with rosewater and make way for a healthy and glowing skin 

16. Cinnamon

16. Cinnamon

You must have cinnamon stick handy in your kitchen. If you don’t want to take much trouble, cinnamon in powdered form is also available in the market. You will be quite happy to know that cinnamon is very effective in removing scar marks and blemishes completely from your face. In order to make this effective cinnamon face pack, you need to take a spoon of cinnamon powder in a bowl and add a teaspoon of honey in it. Mix both the ingredients well and apply it over your scar marks. You need to keep it for an hour’s and then remove with the help of Luke warm water.

17. Almond oil

17. Almond oil

The natural oils are very essential for a variety of our skin conditions. You can now place the almond oil therapy to control your acne and spots on the face. For this, you would require a spoon of almond oil and the same quantity of honey. Mix them well and add some lemon drop as well. Use your fingertips to apply the solution over your skin where you have acne and scar.

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