Number Of Kenya’s Active Twitter Monthly Users Drop By Half After Censorship

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According to the latest report by Data Portal, the number of Twitter active monthly users has dropped by half, when compared to 2017 when the platform didn’t have a lot of censorship.

The report also gives other insights indicating that the Kenyan digital world is booming as the country’s internet accessibility improves.

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The annual mobile subscription is at +15% as active social media users grow at the rate of +10% annually.

According to internet world statistics, Kenya has 43.33 Million internet users with the frequency of internet use being 72%.

Kenya has 7.90 Million monthly active users, 1.90 Million monthly active Instagram users, 641,000 monthly active Twitter users, 307,000 monthly active snapchat users, and 2.10 million registered Linkedin members.

In 2017, a state of the internet report indicated that Twitter had more than 1 million monthly active users and it is not a secret as to why they have dropped by almost half, and the drop is still on.

A lot of censorship by Twitter has seen many people suspended from the platform yet these are the same people that used to engage a huge audience. It has also become hard to give views on Twitter because of many people reporting others leading to the locking of accounts.

The Report gives some insights on the Twitter audience overview where they indicate that advertisers can only reach 641,000 users per month. The report also states that only 1.9% aged 13+ can be reached through Twitter Ads. Facebook has a 7 Million + adverts reach userbase per month revealing that only a digital fool would advertise on Twitter.

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