Bad breath making you uncomfortable? Simple remedies that are your solution

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Bad breath, medically called halitosis, can result from poor dental health habits and may be a sign of other health problems. Bad breath can also be made worse by the types of foods you eat and other unhealthy lifestyle habits.

All the food eaten begins to be broken down in your mouth. If you eat foods with strong odours such as garlic or onions, brushing and flossing even mouthwash, merely covers up the odour temporarily. The odour will not go away completely until the foods have passed through your body.

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To prevent bad breath, try the following remedies;


A salt water rinse can prevent the buildup of infectious bacteria in the mouth or throat. The effect is probably due to salt water’s slight acidity. This prevents the alkalizing environment that encourages the growth of microbes that cause bad breath. Salt water is a great, simple home remedy for bad breath.


Cinnamon is known to have antimicrobial action. It’s also proved effective against bacteria that cause oral infections in some studies. Cinnamon is also thought to have though to have digestive and respiratory benefits, although more research is needed. Cinnamon chewing sticks also contain fibre that supports microbial diversity in the mouth.


Research has found that green tea temporarily reduces malodor due to its antibacterial and deodorant action. This is probably due to the actions of the polyphenols, antioxidants it contains. You can try drinking 3-5 cups of green tea per day.


Zinc is an important trace element your body. It’s estimated that over 300 cellular functions, including your DNA, use zinc.  This includes the microbiome, including mouth and gut flora. However, while more studies are needed, zinc seems to stop the build up of volatiile sulfur compounds that can cause bad breath.

You can try a zinc mouthwash or chewing gum to treat your bad breath. Zinc gluconate and zinc citrate have also been shown to have a small effect on oral plaque build-up. Zinc supplements are thought to help improve immune function too and may help to rebalance the microbiome.


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Your bad breath may be caused by your digestive system. If you have digestive problems and suffer from bad breath too, digestive enzymes may help your digestion. Digestive enzyme products come from different sources. The most common are:

  • Animal-sourced — including pancreatin sourced from ox or hog. This can include betaine
  • HCL with pepsin
  • Bromelain and Papain are digestive enzymes contained in pineapple
  • Other plant-sourced — from probiotics, yeast, and fungi


Aloe Vera is a natural antifungal and antibacterial plant extract. Research has shown it’s as effective as chlorhexidine mouthwash at reducing plaque. It also boosts the creation of collagen, improving the mouth’s ability to heal. You can make your own Aloe Vera mouthwash to combat bad breath. Simply boil some water and add aloe Vera gel once it is cooled. You can also add peppermint oil to taste.


Drink more water. Hydration will help maintain saliva flow and keep your mouth moist, discouraging bacterial growth. Cut down on diuretics. Diuretics such as coffee, black tea, and alcohol increase fluid loss and may cause dry mouth.


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Stop nasty bacteria from building up on your gums and teeth. Oral hygiene. Regular oral hygiene, including inter dental cleaning with floss, will help to prevent bad breath. Brush your tongue. The bacteria that cause bad breath are often found on the topside of your tongue. If you can see a white coating on your tongue, you should remove this debris with a tongue cleaner.


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Daily exercises help to increase your ventilation and circulation rate. This helps to increase cellular turnover throughout your body. Exercise has also been shown to be good for maintaining microbiome health. This may help to manage harmful bugs that cause bad breath.


Many toothpaste and mouthwashes claim to kill bacteria that cause bad breath. However, we know little about what these products do to the whole microbiome. Natural products with antimicrobial properties may be more effective in preserving friendly bacteria.


For bad breath, try gargling with peppermint oil, a potential anti-microbial that kills off harmful bacteria and leaves the breath fresh. Mix 1-2 drops with water and swish the mixture around your mouth for 30 seconds.


Lemongrass has antimicrobial properties that inhibit certain bacteria, both internally and externally. It is also known to be effective against bacterial infections in the colon. Lemongrass oil may be used as an internal or external preparation. Chewing lemon rind may also be effective.


Eucalyptus oil is well-known for its ability to reduce mucus production. It also boosts the immune system, reduces inflammation, and acts as an antioxidant, antimicrobial and pain reliever.


Clove oil contains anti fungal and antimicrobial compounds that may act against bacteria that cause bad breath and digestive problems. It’s used as a natural pain reliever, especially for dental emergencies. You can add a few drops of clove oil to water as a natural bad breath remedy.


Cleaning products are often scented with orange due to its anti-odour properties. Orange oil is rich in the antioxidant limonene, which may help to fight bad breath causing microbes. You can add a few drops of concentrated orange oil to water to make a drink or peel orange rind straight from the orange and chew it.

Consult your dentist before trying these oils as a cure for bad breath, and don’t use them for more than 2-3 weeks. You can try combining them to suit your taste.

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