10 Reasons Why Every Man Needs to Wear a Wristwatch

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In recent years, watches have almost vanished from the wrists of men. Great men have worn watches for hundreds of years and will continue to wear watches for hundreds more.

Young men see them as dated, old-fashioned, and even obsolete, sometimes they brush it off saying, “my smartphone tells me the time, so why would I need a wristwatch?” And it’s sad.

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The wristwatch has been such an important part of history and here is why Today’s great men, like Bill Gates, Bono, Elon Musk, Warren Buffet, and Pope Francis, all still wear watches.

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Now they all have smartphones, so why do they wear a wristwatch? Wearing a watch is one of the most important things that a man can do for himself and below, you will understand 10 powerful reasons why;

Here are 10 powerful reasons why every man needs to wear a watch:

Watches dramatically improve your style and instantly make you look put together

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Not only does a watch make you look instantly more stylish, but it makes you look dramatically more put together. Watches are traditionally stylish,not trendy or currently in fashion. Great men have worn them throughout history. They’re subtle. They don’t draw attention to themselves, but impress when they’re noticed.

Watches are a timeless and classic accessory, that’s a no-brainer addition to quickly improve any man’s appearance.

 It’s the easiest, and best accessory for men to wear

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You can see that adding an accessory instantly improves your style and makes you look more put together, but as men, there aren’t many fashion accessories we can wear.

Think about it, outside of professional accessories (like a tie and pocket square),what accessories can men really wear? Scarves? Suspenders? Gloves? Most guys feel like they’re trying too hard wearing these. But a watch feels natural and comfortable to almost all men and here’s why:

Mantelligence Exclusive Discount

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We partnered with The Fifth Watches to bring Mantelligence readers an exclusive $10 discount! With code MAN10, you can get one of their Melbourne Minimal timepieces for just $95 and their New York Classic timepieces for just $140.

 A watch is an investment and that’s incredibly versatile

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No one buys a watch to wear it once… you buy a watch for today, tomorrow and for the foreseeable future. In other words, it’s a low-cost (around $100)investment in yourself and your style.

With any investment, you want a high return on your money. So what makes a watch a good investment? Not only will a good watch will work for the foreseeable future, but it is incredibly versatile:

Whatever you wear (a suit, sport coat, jeans and a tee, etc.a minimal what works’ and helps you to look better. Not only will a watch look great on your wrist for the foreseeable future, but will adapt to you and your style as they change.

Wearing (and using) a watch gives you the James Bond effect

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James Bond is a complete badass.  He’s highly intelligent, can do anything, always gets the girl, and somehow, always looks timeless and elegant doing it.

Now imagine this, A beautiful woman asks Bond for the time, and he pulls out his cellphone out of his pocket (or worse a huge, bedazzled watch from his tuxedo).

And if you’re somehow not convinced, think about how uncomfortable it would be if someone pulled out their phone in these situations. In short to be a timeless man like Bond, if you want to know the time, check your wrist over your phone.

Using it to check the time stops you from getting “stuck” on your phone

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Not only is it more elegant to check the time with your watch, over your phone, but it also helps from getting “stuck on your phone”. You go to check the time on your phone, but then get distracted and lost in your notifications. It’s a bad habit, that a watch dramatically helps improve.

Will a watch completely stop you from getting “stuck” on your phone? No. But considering the average American checks their phone 46 times a day, itmakes a big difference.

Wearing a good watch means you’ve reached adulthood

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Watches are one of the most common gifts for men who’ve reached a new level of adulthood (for example: graduation, wedding, etc.). Watches cost money (a good watch will cost you at least $100). People don’t spend that on a 9-year old because he’ll just destroy it, and they don’t want to spend it on a high school freshman because he won’t appreciate it.

Wearing a watch shows you’re adult enough to take care of and appreciate a nice accessory. And when you wear one, not only do you show people this, but you start to acknowledge it in yourself. You’ll take care of your watch, become proud of it, and start to notice others who wear them (spoiler: they’ll be very predominantly adults).

Wearing a good wristwatch is almost like a secret club, that you only find out exists after you consistently wear one for a few months. Wearing one won’t turn you into a man, but it will show others (and yourself) that you’re old enough to care for and appreciate one.

It’s 1000x better than a smartwatch

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Smartwatches are an incredible, technological advancement but they’re not watches. When you wear a watch, you’re making a statement. Which statement would you rather make: timeless and classic or hip and current?

No matter how far technology comes watch mechanics will always be incredibly cool

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The mechanisms that help your watch tell the time are tiny, highly complicated, and incredibly cool. And once you understand how your watch works, it will help appreciate it hugely more. To power the watch, the battery first sends an electrical charge through a quartz crystal. This electrifies the crystal and causes it to vibrate.

These vibrations then power the motor that drives the watch’s hands. Because they don’t have as many mechanical-moving parts, quartz watches last (almost) forever and require no maintenance (other than changing the battery every 4-5 years). The inner-workings of watches have been incredible for over a hundred years… and will still be incredibly cool for hundreds of years to come.

Wearing a watch connects you to history’s great men

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Great men, throughout history, have worn wristwatches. Martin Luther King Jr. wore one when he met with President Johnson. Even though watches have become technically obsolete, great men continue to wear them. So why do great men continue to wear wristwatches?

Two reasons:

Reason #1: It’s a subtle show that you, and your style, are timeless… that you’re not a man who’s trendy, and jumps on every new fad that comes around.

Reason #2: Wearing a classic wristwatch is a nod to history. It’s what your father, and your grandfather wore. Wearing one connects you to them, with great men throughout history (Buzz Aldrin and MLK), and with the great men of the future (Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, and ?).

It reminds you to keep your priorities in order

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Time runs our lives. Meetings, dates, waking up, working out, going to sleep… we assign deadlines to every part of our lives. It’s how our society functions. A wristwatch will obviously help keep you on time for your appointments but, to me, its real value is much, much greater than that.

 The sole purpose of a watch is to tell the time. It doesn’t let you look at a webpage, check your email, text your friend plain and simple, tells the time. A watch begins to symbolizes time.  

It becomes a silent reminder of the inexorable march of time that time is constantly moving, and that you better make the most of every second of it.

The invention of the smartphone doesn’t mean that men should stop wearing wristwatches. Wearing a watch is a man’s connection to the past, his connection to time, and a hallmark of his style and who he is.

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