This is the app many Kenyan couples are using for lungula and the reason is crazy

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The reality of relationships of any duration between any couple is that sexual intimacy isn’t always planned. It’s something that tends to happen spontaneously. When one person is interested, the other person may not be in the mood. This is problematic for a number of reasons. When one person asks or initiates, there’s the always the fear of rejection, and then there’s the awful feeling of the one having to do the rejecting. 

This is increasingly a stress on any modern relationship. We have many things on our minds. We have careers that can be stressful and exhausting. We have children that add to that fatigue and cut into the time when we can be intimate. And, as we get older, our drive for sexual intimacy tends to slow down, so there are less opportunities for doing so.

Not knowing if your partner is interested leads to overall reduced opportunities for sex. At least, that’s the premise behind LoveSync, a Kickstarter project that seeks to solve the age-old problem of coordinating sexual intimacy between couples.

The app helps you schedule sex with your loved one.

It offers a button by your bedside. When you’re in the mood for a little conjugal in flagrante, you push the button. If your partner isn’t in the mood to push theirs, nothing happens. But if they are, carnal joy ensues.

Because you don’t even trust yourself to identify natural human signals anymore.

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