Male student goes with child to class, Male lecturer carries baby while teaching – photos

Imagine this, you are man, you have lovely 9 month old daughter but your wife has bolted you and you cannot find any woman out there to leave your baby with. Worse still, you have your mid term exams coming up and you need to attend class because most of what will come in your mid-terms will be taught in that class.

What do you do? You strap your baby with a shuka on the back and attend class! You r lecturer stares at you as you stroll into class with your child. Your classmates stare and your baby stares back at them, and the females in the class gets struck with the oooow-wow moment. 

A kind US lecturer has become an overnight sensation after he decided to help a struggling dad learn without having to constantly check on his daughter.

Wayne Hayer, the proud dad was left in awe when his lecturer decided to carry his daughter while teaching to relieve the student of any pressure.

Image result for photos of lecturer Nick Vaughn carrying baby in class

According to CNN, Wayne needed to attend class but could not get a babysitter. This forced him to carry his daughter to school.

I understand that midterms were fast approaching and the dad did not want skip his algebra class at Morehouse College.

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