Five lessons every celeb can learn from Kanze Dena’s secret wedding

Taswira inaweza kujumuisha: Mtu 1, kutabasamu, kofia na karibu

I support Kanze Dena in whatever decision she made. To have a peaceful and a private wedding away from facebook detectives and infinix camera men.

That lady gave very strict and clear instructions before the event. No-one was allowed to come in with a phone. Those adolescent boys and girls who must always take selfies every three seconds had to leave the venue, take pictures and come back.Some of them were turned away, right from the entrance.

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The village association of wedding attendants (VAWA) who come with sacs of gossips and a bunch of witchdoctors to predict how many kids they would sire, were not allowed.

Those ladies who vigourosly sway their mosquitoe waists, in the name of accompanying you down the isle were not allowed.

Yes. The marriage in 21st century is no joke. Those young ladies who twists their waists acrobaticaly in song and dances are never good people. They are the same people who will come checking on your husband every six months to find out if the marriage is still working, or in case he needs a back up system. They were not allowed in.

The idea here is not because there was little food, food was available and in plenty .lnfact the entrance was opened for everyone to join and eat after the couple had left.

Taswira inaweza kujumuisha: Watu 3, watu wanatabasamu, watu wanasimama

Kanze just refused to bow to the social pressure and publicity of our time. She was not ready to take chances, or did you want her to follow the footsteps of that PR queen and K24 lady whose marriage did not last longer than the gestation period of a rat?

They can’t play with your marriage at 21 and play with it again at 39. The older you grow the wiser you become!

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