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A facebook user has come out to warn Kenyans of crimanals hiring off vehicles to commit crime only for investigators to come for your neck

In a post seen on facebook page known as Buyer beware  the user known as ‎Newton Kapiyo‎ highlights one incidence familiar to him.

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The guy in blue shirt, Omar Kipkemboi is a resident of Manyatta Arabs in Kisumu while the one in blue suits is called Nichanor Agonda Radol, a drug Lord specialized in bhang trafficking. Nichanor uses Omar to pose as an innocent customer hiring a self drive car which the former then uses to traffic bhang to various destinations. As we speak, over 6 innocent vehicles are rotting in various police stations because of these two criminals, Omar & Nichanor.

Last year, a young man, a youth and a good friend of mine (pictured in handcuffs) hired his car to Omar Kipkpmboi innocently. Little did he know that his car (also pictured below) below which he bought on loan would be used to traffic bhang by the two criminals. The criminals were intercepted around Kilungu region, charged in Kilungu Law courts and the car detained Kilungu police station.

The owner of the car, an innocent hardworking youth has been in and out of this police stations for more than one year trying to get his car released but the police have been just tosting him, they needed heavy bribes. When it became evident that he could not cough out the 100k bribe to have his car released, the police threatened and arrested him. They even insisted that he is going to be charged alongside the two criminals as an accomplice! Are the Kenyan police and Law enforcers enemies of youth progress? Deal with criminals and leave the innocent hardworking people alone.

Sam Nduchez :If they were arrested and charged while he can prove they hired his car,let him get a lawyer and the court will compel the police to release his car and pay for losses..Nowadays police need lawyers

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