Folks in Taita Taveta awake ancestors

They were awoken from their peaceful slumber by mattocks, shovels and voices of their nth time great-grandchildren.

When the trumpet blows, former ‘inhabitants’ of Burandogo graveyard in Taita Taveta County will have to gather their scattered bones after living humans demolished their home to put up a building, for themselves.

The folks digging the foundation

In Burandogo village Taita Taveta County, locals unearthed human bones and skulls. The villagers were digging a trench to make the foundation for a building.

They seemed unmoved by the scaring images of as they had time to picture them and post on facebook.

The site appeared to have been previously used as a public cemetery as no family has claimed disrespect for their dead. The site was once a graveyard.

Rehema Abdalla Mvungi who saw the photo wondered why the dead should be disturbed.

Ezekiel Lemujini called to action the human rights activists while Mchikirwa Ndelejai responded ‘More like dead rights activists’ insinuating that the dead should speak for their fellow dead.

Some locals have, however, accused the county government of colluding with individuals to grab land meant for public use.

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