Kenyans abroad fiercely go after president & deputy with ICC corruption card

Image result for outside Chatham House protest for corrupt leaders to be taken to ICC

London based kenyan protestors outside Chatham House led by Janet Ali and Thomas Masau have pushed for  corruption leaders to be prosecutedby the ICC.

The demonstrators expressed that most governments are unable to prosecute their heads of state and deputies who most of the time are the biggest gainers of the proceeds in the crime that is increasingly robbing the nations.

The group cautioned that if ICC does not take over, UN’s 2030 vision will be compromised by the level ofcorruption in Africa.

“Kenya loses almost a third of its revenue to corruption and most of the people involved are ‘untouchable’,” Ali said.

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They also want a draft anti-charter to be signed by all member countries with details on how each member country should deal with corruption, including cooperating with UN anti- corruption agents.

Further, member countries who violate the charter will be subjected to economic sanctions.Musau, involved in the drafting the proposals, said: “If all members of United Nations sign the proposed charter, corruption will be history in a few years. Most African leaders fear ICC like the plague.”

He added, “Many developed countries have been silent about corruption in most African countries because of economic interests. Countries that tolerate or work with corrupt leaders should be subject to heavy penalties.”

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