Kenyan FREELANCERS NEED to READ this! Why Freelancing can Negatively Impact Your Psychology!

Freelancing is the rising trend among Kenyan youths today.

Let’s face it, unemployed Kenyans are looking for work left, right and centre!

So much so that even county governments are sponsoring unemployed youth, providing them with the training and essentials to make money online.

Unfortunately, there is a dark side to freelancing.

Here are the THREE freelancing shortcomings that will inadvertently affect you! Kindly pay attention to them before beginning your freelancing career.

Not Knowing Your Worth

According to renowned international freelancer Charlotte Cowes, the biggest issue that junior freelancers face is not knowing their worth.

Unlike established freelancers, or workers who earned a basic salary before going into freelancing, not knowing one’s worth is THE BIGGEST PROBLEM FOR YOUNG FREELANCERS!

How much am I worth? Will I just work for whatever money comes my way?

This problem is so common that the average Kenyan freelancer will find himself working for peanuts compared to his Western counterparts, yet produce the same kind of quality, or even higher!

So how do you assess your worth? Well, you can start by first determining the average rate of a novice, intermediate, or professional freelancer.

Then assess your skill levels by doing tests and updating them on your profile. This will definitely help clients pay you according to your worth.


Young freelancers who are yet to experience the gruels of a 9-5 might find themselves procrastinating with the assignments they are given.

Let’s face it, the allure of dundaing every night has been the weak point of many freelancers.


Becoming A Jack of All Trades

This is hands down the number one downfall for many Kenyan freelancers. The need to dip one’s hand in more than one cookie jar instead of specializing in one trade and becoming a wizard at it.

Let me share a secret…

Every freelancing field is way more complex than it seems at surface level.

Even writing…

So if you plan on freelancing, specialize in one field and grow there.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, so don’t expect to build an online empire in a year!


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