YouTube To Upgrade Offline Video Quality

Your Videos In Better Quality

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Watching videos has never been this luxurious compared to other ‘generations’ of internet. Today you have the privilege of downloading videos for offline viewing, you enjoy your favorite content even if you are away from Wi-Fi or your connectivity is giving you a dancing signals or you just don’t have the data bundles.

You can download a video in various quality sizes, ranging from 144p to 720p being the highest. 720p is good enough for most people but in some cases where you are used to streaming in 1080p and you have a 1080p screen, that 720p video is not sharp enough.

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Now, our fate is about to change. Android police says that YouTube wants to tighten that belt a little bit, while preparing to up the quality on the offline YouTube videos.

Thanks to them tearing down the YouTube Android app (v 14.06), they have found a new string that shows that they are going to add a new option to download videos in 1080p resolution.

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You can probably expect YouTube to put a limit on such an option. If your phone doesn’t have a full HD screen or better, you might not get the option. This makes sense since watching videos of a higher resolution than the screen is pointless if you don’t have enough pixels. It could also be limited to those phones that can easily play 1080p videos and in this age, most phones can.

This is a good deal, especially for those people with phones that have phones with screen resolutions greater than 1080p and use that feature extensively.

Image result for offline videos on youtube gif

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