The Two Lives of Prophet Owuor, A Man Who Creates Fear But Cheats Death

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Prophet David Owuor, a man of God known for his flowing mono-chrome suits and dreadlocked beard, is a man of contradictions. As much as his might is acknowledged by his battalion of fervent followers, Owuor continues to face rebellion from a section of faithfuls who think that his ways of spreading the gospel are old-fashioned and fear-oriented.

In as much as Owuor claims everyone is created knowing that the Lord is God and that he (Owour) is His prophet, he has also alleged that if you abuse him you go direct to the hell.

Is Owuor God’s ultimate Judge?

Owuor had at one time claimed that a tsunami would hit Kenya and spread to other countries in East Africa if people did not repent.

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“The Lord showed me the first earthquake coming all the way from Athi River, and it will touch Nairobi. The other earthquake is going to be around the lake region which is around Lake Victoria, but that does affect even Uganda, Tanzania and the neighbouring countries,” he declared at the time.

The earthquake never came. He also asked Christians to prepare for the coming of the Lord after a lunar eclipse which occurred in December 2011.

He claimed God revealed to him two months before it happened.

“The Lord has spoken to me today (October 27, 2011). And this is what the Lord says. The Lord has spoken about an eclipse. And I am announcing from Kenya here that there’s going to be a tremendous eclipse that’s coming over the earth. Prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Those who have ears may listen.”

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But when pressed by TV journalist Jeff Koinange during a live broadcast to reveal when the Lord would come, he clarified that “the Bible says no one knows the time and hour when the Son of Man will return.”

But one thing Owour is sure about is that he will be murdered in Jerusalem, and that he (like Jesus Christ), will ascend straight to heaven after three days.

“The Lord spoke with me about the time when I’ll be murdered. I’ll be killed and lie down (denied burial) for three days, then He will take me up to heaven. And He (God) was very happy. What a tremendous time, how I will be assassinated in Jerusalem,” he said.

But despite his seeming joy at the impending ‘tremendous’ assassination that will see him go straight to heaven, the prophet is often accompanied by heavy police presence to his crusades and is shadowed by suited bodyguards.

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