Want a Happier, Fulfilling Life? This Is The Way to Go

Many years ago, Albert Einstein, a theoretical physicist, and philosopher shared his thought on happiness with the world. In his theory, Einstein stated: “A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness.”

Emily Esfahan Smith also said that despite our cultural obsession with the pursuit of personal happiness, understanding your meaning in life is the secret of resilience and success.
I relate with Emily because when I look at our society everyone is in a race towards success. The competition is very stiff since there are few resources and opportunities and everyone is trying to take a position.  its survival for the fittest.
Every year millions of scholars are released to the job market where the unemployment rate is extreme. With the belief that success in life brings fulfillment, we are left with no option other than pursuing success by all means. Life is good when anxiety is minimal!

But how do we measure success? Through tangible things such as a good car, happy marriage, an exquisite mansion among others. Everyday people live wishing, if I had a good car if I had a good job if I had children. This belief makes people live a worried life of ‘IFs ‘all their lives. With such worries to live a fulfilled life. What is fulfillment? We need to understand fulfillment so that we work towards achieving it.
“Many psychologists define happiness as a state of comfort and ease, feeling good at the moment. Meaning, though, is deeper,” Smith said.
I love Ted’s definition of fulfillment as a mindset. Yes, it is not found in material visible tangible things we acquire in life. It is found within you. Even the poorest person can be fulfilled in their state. Mind you, Smith warned us against chasing for such material success which we think is the source of success. Fulfillment comes from serving something beyond yourself.
In a study carried out in 2011 proved that seeking happiness makes people unhappy. Smith, the researcher said that she felt anxious and adrift by chasing happiness. There is a paradoxical effect in chasing happiness.
Even though the world is advancing every day with technological advancements and every standard that can be conceived, people continue to become more depressed, lonely, and hopeless. People who find fulfillment are resilient, excel in school, at work and do live longer. Here are four ways to achieve fulfillment in life.
Value Others and Find People Who Value You
The first rule to fulfillment is ‘belonging’. It is not buying a car or getting a fat salary. Be in the company of people who value you for who you are intrinsically. Be in with people you value. A good example is spending time with family and friends. Avoid being in the company of people who value you not for who you are. Avoid people who want to associate with you at certain times in seasons. True belonging emanates from love.


Visualize success
Visualizing success is different from chasing success. When you visualize you just see yourself where you want to be. It helps you set tangible goals and formulate step to step plan to achieve them. For example, if you want to lose weight, visualize yourself undergoing a gradual weight loss. See yourself where you want to be.

Recognize yourself for a job well done, a meal nicely made, a good look achieved, that 1 pound lost and every achievement made. Treat yourself well and be in charge of your happiness, yes don’t wait for anyone or anything to make you happy. Celebrating yourself is the best gift you can give yourself. Walk yourself into that expensive cafe grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the feeling. Take care of yourself, by resting when you want. If you celebrate yourself, take care of yourself then you will be able to impact other people positively.
Help others
There is a lot of fulfillment in helping others. Share your ideas, time, skills and money with people. Find good in others and appreciate them. Find people who made you feel happy. This will help you want to help other people achieve happiness.


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