Did Nasa blindfold Kenyans on the server access issue? Details emerge

If their is anything that made most Kenyans fall for Nasa arguments about the intergrity of IEBC to conduct the 2017 general election is the issue of the server.

According to all the Nasa press conferences, they argued out that IEBC denied them access to the servers. This caught the attention of many people who bought their idea that the elections were not fair.

In fact the opening of the server issue led to a national protest calling to the Former CEO Ezra Chiloba to resign. It even made Nasa to distance itself from the repeat Presidential elections.

But IEBC is back with contrary details:

In its internal post-evaluation report, IEBC claims Nasa accessed the servers 34 times through one John Walubengo before the August 8, 2017 poll results were released.

This was after making 54 attempts, 20 of them unsuccessful.

The commission says, on the other hand, Jubilee had 10 successful logins after 24 attempts.

This was through ex-Energy CS Davis Chirchir.

Nasa had claimed that Chirchir, a former IEBC official and a tech expert, hacked the IEBC servers and helped Jubilee to rig the polls.

The claims featured prominently in the presidential petition at the Supreme Court especially after the IEBC failed to open its servers as ordered by the judges.

In the new report, the IEBC says Collins Ndindi, an independent candidate, made 46 attempts to log into the servers but only six succeeded.

Japheth Kaluyu’s agent had three successful logins while UDP’s Ben Wafuko opened the database six times.

Thirdway Alliance’s Bildad Kagai got five successful logins, the report states

The IEBC has also dismissed claims that it defied the apex court. The commission says it granted parties access to the information system as ordered.

But Nasa had argued that they were denied access within the 48 hours provided for by the court to verify claims of data manipulation. This was the bone of contention during the Supreme Court proceedings.

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