Video: Mosque robbery turned hot as thief is forced to eat raw chilies

What is the worst but fitting punishment have you ever witnessed being served to a thief apart from mob justice?

Most people have always resolved to use mob justice to punish thieves which is actually outlawed in Kenya. But most people continue using it to punish thieves.

Image result for thief being lynched by mob justice

But have you ever realized that most Muslims lose their shoes while praying in mosques? This is a big menace where thieves take advantage of the holy ground to rob innocent souls.

But one of those thieves found himself on the wrong side of the law when he went to rob a Mosque in Mombasa.

Image result for thief being lynched by mob justice

The thief was subjected to hot punishment of eating raw chilies after being nabbed stealing shoes at Sakina Mosque in Majengo  Mombaasa county.

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