The Seven Signs of Terrorism to check out for

Terrorist attacks like the ones we experienced on 14 riverside drive have left many concerned about the possibility of future incidents of terrorism in Kenya and their potential impact.

After attacks and incidents such as these, people often wonder how to keep their families safe and ask, “What would I do?” So, if Kenyans believe terrorist attacks are inevitable, why are so few Kenyan families prepared?

The answer may lie in the term “terrorist attack” itself.

Surveillance: Image result for using binocularsBe on the lookout for someone recording or monitoring activities. The type of recording does not have to be as obvious as a camera or a video camera; the person may be taking notes, drawing diagrams, annotating maps, or using binoculars, etc.
Elicitation: Image result for information about militaryBe wary of people or groups who attempt to learn information about military operations, capabilities, or people. The attempts do not have to be face-to-face. They may be made by mail, telephone, etc.
Tests of Security:Image result for security breaches, If someone is attempting to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of security measures, or if he is attempting to record and analyze reaction times to security breaches, contact your local authorities.
Acquiring Supplies:Image result for Ak 47 rifle Be vigilant about people who purchase or steal explosives, weapons, ammunition, etc. Other supplies that may be needed for a terrorist attack are military uniforms, flight manuals, badges or the equipment to make them, and any other controlled items. And, as we learned in the Boston bombing, materials such as pressure cookers and fireworks also may be supplies that terrorists purchase in large quantities.
Suspicious persons out of place:Image result for Suspicious persons out of place Of course, we are wary of people who don’t seem to belong in our neighborhoods. But, people also may arouse suspicion at work, businesses, or anywhere, for that matter. Also be alert for people who suspiciously cross the border, stow away on board a ship, or jump ship in port if you are traveling.
Dry run/Trial run:Image result for Dry run terroristTerrorists may practice their attack prior to carrying it out, so watch for people who move around but don’t seem to have a true purpose. A terrorist also may map out routes or time traffic lights, so be on the lookout for these types of activities.
Deploying Assets: Image result for Dry run terroristTerrorists have to get people and supplies positioned prior to committing the terrorist act. If you suspect these activities are occurring, immediately contact the authorities because this may be the last chance you have to do so before the terrorist act takes place.

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