This is what attracts the blood-sucking bedbugs in your home

Image result for bedbugs meaningHave you ever had an experience with bedbugs?

Hardly can one board a karen bound bus or Thika without noticing a sticker on the window about bedbug eradication services.

The pain, suffering, and emotional distress following a bed bug infestation is a serious side effect that is often overlooked.

They are devious hitchhikers, uninvited houseguests of the worst kind.

Bedbugs – those tiny bloodsuckers that sneak into your home, hide in cracks and crevices and come out at night to feast. On you.

While bedbugs have been around just about as long as man has – they were found in Egyptian tombs and Aristotle wrote about them – their presence started making headlines a few years back, as hotels, apartments, dorms and homeowners battled the little buggers.

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So how do you keep bedbugs from invading your home? And what should you do if you suspect you are not alone in your bed?

First of all, don’t panic,Breathe. Understand that bedbugs are not associated with unclean environments and they do not transmit disease. But they should be taken extremely seriously.”

Signs that you may have bedbugs include finding the bugs themselves, eggs or excrement; small spatters of blood on your sheets and, in some people, red, itchy welts from an allergic reaction to their saliva.

Bedbugs – which can live weeks, months or even a year between feedings – can be one of life’s more stressful situations. Recent studies have linked bedbug infestation to reports of anxiety and even suicide.

While it takes dedication and persistence – and a really good pest control professional – you can win the war over bedbugs, Gouge said.

The sooner you contact a pest management professional, the easier, the faster and the cheaper it will be. There are no over-the-counter products that will eradicate bedbugs. You can kill them, but to truly eradicate them you need pest management professionals that have equipment, access to specialized products and the knowledge of how to use them.Image result for bedbugs gif

She said frustrated victims of bedbugs can make the problem worse.

A lot of the things people do are often far more damaging and dangerous than the bedbugs themselves.  People will put gasoline or rubbing alcohol around the edges of their mattress. They will spray pesticides on their bed, they will apply pesticide even to their own person. You should never do that.

People can pick up bedbugs anywhere and bring them home. Bedbugs are everywhere. They are in restaurants, movie theatres, on trains and airplanes. bedbugs are kind of like hitchhikers. It’s an accidental introduction.


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