Am Sorry !!Bongo artist finally speaks on her suicidal tweet

Tanzanian songbird Lady Jaydee comes out clean weeks after she scared her fans on social media when she revealed that she had contemplated taking her own life.

In her tweet, Jaydee said that she felt like taking poison to end her life but she thought of how far she had come and asked herself how stupid she would look to take the poison, before she changed her mind.

“I thought about taking poison yesterday but then stopped myself and reminded myself where I have come from and thought it would be stupid to do such a thing. I pitied myself and got rid of the thought. Things are hard today but I am still here.” tweeted Jaydee.

During an interview Lady Jaydee  first apologized for tweeting about her suicidal thoughts without going into the details about what pushed her to contemplate taking her own life.

“First of all, I apologize. It was just a tweet. I choose not to talk about it,” said Jaydee.

Jaydee went on to say that she did not think the tweet would give the wrong impression to the people who look up to her, as role model.

“I don’t think a tweet like that can make someone give up. There are people that i looked up to in music who had done bad things, they had fallen, they went through trouble. But that gave me strength more than weakness. Like Whitney Houston, who is my number one. If she decided to get into drugs, I haven’t gotten into drugs. If anyone decides to get into something by following a bad example, then that’s their decision, they shouldn’t blame anyone. You are the one to choose what’s good for you. There are things you do that turn out to be lessons.”


She added that if anyone got the wrong impression and decided to follow that route, it would be by their own choice and the role model should not be blamed at all.


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