Pierra Makena speaks on her dating life


Dating in the limelight is usually a huge challenge especially for celebrities since everyone is usually on their case and wants to know what happens in their relationships.

Tv girl and DJ Pierra Makena speaking during an interview, revealed that she has the experience of dating both a celebrity and someone who is not in her industry.

“I am in a happy place.  in a relationship no one knows about, people really want to know about it but I do not see the need to tell. If I say the person is a celebrity I will have people on my case” she said

Having  dated a celebrity and  one who was not in her my industry Pierra says that both of them have their ups and downs.

“When I dated the person who is not in the limelight, whenever we go out, you become the center of attention..On the other side, dating a celebrity for me was a disaster… you are judged by the actions of the lifestyles of other celebrities.

“I understand how crazy our industry is and sometimes one can get insecure”

Pierra explained on how she had to develop a thick skin so that she may not be bothered by what other people are saying.

It is hard being in the limelight because everyone is on your case. Way back Makena says she used to feel bad when someone would even tweet a simple thing about her but she developed a thick skin after she got her child.

She realized that what mattered was her inner happiness and this is what has kept her going for the longest time.

For her other people’s opinion towards her do not matter as long as she is happy in her skin.

“I used to be scared of trending for the wrong reasons until it happened… but did I die?”

A debate was raised on how bloggers at times overdo it and make celebrities trend for wrong reasons without having in mind that these are people too and have feelings and their private lives should be respected.

Personally I feel that they are mainly the focus because they are the role models and therefore the public eye is always on them.. Always on the spot. Yes celebrities are humans but being  role models, or the mirror of society people always have certain expectations towards them .. they carry a huge responsibility although others do not realize this.

It must be tough to be a celebrity but Pierra Makena continues to thrive in the industry she is in even bearing the challenges of having to be on the limelight at all times.

A good example of keeping it low key and private and still enjoying they little things that one deserves.




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